6 Tips To Make Safety Rules Memorable To Toddlers

Whether they are playing outside or within the house, you are constantly worried about your child’s safety. As a parent, you might want to be always present near your child. However, this is not always possible, and there comes a time when your child will have to venture out without you. 

In such cases, talking to your children about how to protect themselves and establishing a few safety rules can help. If you are unsure how to set these rules, here are some creative and effective ways to make staying safe easy for kids.

  • Don’t Stray

Your kids should be taught never to wander off or leave the house premises without asking for your permission, even if they are only going downstairs to play with friends. 

In case they do get lost, tell them it is essential they stay right where they are so you can find them. If they find other moms with kids nearby, they can ask her for help. However, your kids should still stay where they lost you and not go out, even with the other mom.

One of the most common places where kids get lost in supermarkets. In such an event, teach them to walk up to the counter of the store and tell the person they got stranded from their parents.

  • Be Wary of Strangers

It is essential to teach your children to be wary of strangers. While not all strangers are up to harming your kids, some might have ill intentions. Teach your kids to identify warning signs, unsafe situations, and tricky people. 

For instance, strangers who offer treats and rewards lure your kids to cars with empty promises or touch your child’s body when they say ‘no’ are bad people. After all, you don’t want your children to think everyone they meet is a bad stranger and be afraid of them.

Safety First

Teach your kids about the dangers of eating food offered by strangers. Regardless of how tempting the treat is, if it comes from a stranger, it Is dangerous. Your kids should also be taught that no matter what reasons a stranger gives, it isn’t safe to go anywhere with them. Ensure that kids understand you will always send a family member, like an aunt, cousin, grandparent, or elder brother, to be with them and not a stranger.

  • Don’t Swim Alone

Make it clear to your child that they are never going swimming or in a considerable body of water (like a tub) without your permission. An adult should accompany children when they are swimming at all times. Teach them to be careful when they are at the beach or any water body. When they are standing in the water at the beach, they should choose a shallow area and should hold an adult’s hand.

  • Emergency Numbers

Even if your kid is small, you must teach them basic contact details like your and your partner’s real name rather than just “mommy” and “daddy” and your contact details. In case of an emergency, your kid should be able to share your contact with someone. Also, teach them where your home is, any nearby landmarks, and emergency service numbers like 911. Help your kids memorize this information with regular practice at home.

  • Road Hazards

Street safety is another important aspect you should teach your child. This includes looking left, right, and then left before crossing the street, walking on the sidewalk, holding hands, and not running ahead. If you live in a neighbourhood where cars enter or exit driveways frequently, teach your kids to stop before the driveway and look for an approaching car before continuing past the driveway.

  • Health Needs

Lastly, it is crucial to teach a child anything related to their health and well-being, like taking certain medication, having an inhaler on hand, or wearing prescription kids glasses that enable them to see properly.

Furthermore, reinforce basic hygiene rules like washing hands before and after every meal, avoiding touching their face or mouth with their dirty hands, brushing teeth twice a day, combing their hair neatly, keeping their nails short and clean, etc. They should also be taught to follow a healthy diet and sleep pattern. 

Making Safety Rules Memorable to Kids

There are always chances of something happening to your children. However, with the help of these general safety rules, you can negate this chance. 

Include these rules in your child’s everyday lessons, and have honest conversations with them about staying prepared for unsafe situations. While these rules may seem simple, they will help ensure your child’s safety when you aren’t around, keeping you relaxed.