Brighten Up Your Gardens With These Winter Flowers

It’s that time of year when Spring and Summer flowering trees and plants are in dormancy. Barren trees and plants void of flowers and leaves make for a depressing look to gardens over the colder months. However, it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, as there are plenty of ways you can brighten up your garden and add some cheer on dreary days.

Today, I added pansies to the bases of our wine barrels, which have standard roses or miniature fruit trees in them. Both of which I’ll prune next month. Even though the roses and fruit trees will be dormant and look like sticks, the pansies will add some much-needed colour to our winter garden.

Pansies last for most of the year and are probably the best-value perennial because of their longevity. However, there are plenty of other potted colour varieties you can get this time of year too, such as primulas, snapdragons, alyssum and polyanthus. These potted colours will repeat-flower for months as long as you start them in a good potting mix, trim back the spent blooms and give them a dash of liquid fertiliser every couple of weeks.