Top Ways to Recognise Reckless Driving and Avoid an Accident

Reckless driving is one of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents. Reckless drivers put themselves and others at risk. It can be difficult to spot reckless driving on the road, but there are things you can watch out for to reduce your chances of getting into a car accident. Let’s explore some top ways to recognize reckless driving and avoid an accident altogether! 

Following Too Closely

Reckless drivers typically follow too closely behind the car ahead of them. If you’re unfamiliar with what recklessness on the road is, you can learn more at If you see another driver tailing your vehicle closely, it’s an indication that they are driving recklessly and may not have enough time to stop if a hazard appears in front of them.

  • Hazard: The driver directly in front of you slams on their brakes due to a hazard in the road, such as a car accident or a pothole. What do you do? 
  • Avoidance: Increase the distance between yourself and the other vehicle by maintaining normal-looking speeds, braking early when required, and accelerating earlier from intersections. A short four-second following distance is recommended for safe driving conditions at highway speeds. This can be determined by counting “one-thousand one, one-thousand two, one-thousand three.”

Aggressive Driving Behavior

Reckless drivers can be identified by their aggressive driving behaviour. If you see another driver speeding excessively or weaving recklessly in and out of traffic, it’s likely that they are not paying attention to the road conditions ahead of them and may cause an accident if necessary. However, if you get injured due to some other reckless driver’s negligence, you can file a lawsuit for compensation. You may click here to learn more about the same. 

  • Hazard: The car directly ahead of you makes an unsafe lane change into the leftmost lane without signalling. What do you do? 
  • Avoidance: Avoid following too closely behind other vehicles on the roadway to give yourself more time to stop if needed. Stay away from large trucks as best you can. Look for safe opportunities to change lanes and pass the trucks that are driving in a hazardous manner.

Reducing Speed While Following a Large Truck

Reckless drivers typically follow large trucks too closely when traffic slows down, then speed up again to catch up with the truck after traffic has resumed moving at normal speeds. This is an indication that they aren’t able to adequately see what’s happening in front of the truck ahead of them. It’s also an indication that they don’t understand how long it takes for a truck to make a complete stop when going from 60mph to 0 mph. 

  • Hazard: A large truck in front of you slams on their breaks because there was traffic stopped ahead due to construction or another hazard in the road such as an accident. What do you do? 
  • Avoidance: Give the truck a four-second following distance, which is roughly double the normal space to provide them with enough room to stop. This can be determined by counting “one-thousand one, one-thousand two, one-thousand three.” Don’t follow large trucks too closely. This reduces your chances of hitting them in case they are required to slam on their breaks.

Driving Too Slowly for Current Traffic Conditions

Driving too slowly for traffic conditions is another sign that a motorist may be driving recklessly. They may be trying to put other drivers behind them at any cost because they believe it’s unsafe or uncomfortable to drive at higher speeds. However, this dangerous behavior can cause significant harm to vehicles around them, especially if there is a large amount of traffic on the road. 

  • Hazard: You notice a car driving considerably slower than surrounding traffic. There are no hazards on the road at this time. What do you do? 
  • Avoidance: Avoid tailgating larger vehicles if possible as they have reduced visibility due to their high profile. If the speed differential is too great between your vehicle and the other motorist, slow down slightly or move into another lane that has an appropriate speed difference.

Driving With Poor Visibility Conditions

Driving with poor visibility conditions can also be a sign of reckless behavior by motorists on the roads today, as well as those who may not be used to driving with poor visibility conditions. Low speeds, slower than normal reaction times, and increased stopping distances are all factors that contribute to the dangerous behavior

  • Hazard: You notice that another driver is driving much slower than surrounding traffic due to foggy or very cloudy conditions. What do you do? 
  • Avoidance: Avoid tailgating larger vehicles if possible as they have reduced visibility due to their high profile. If the speed differential is too great between your vehicle and the other motorist, slow down slightly or move into another lane that has an appropriate speed difference.

You should always maintain a safe following distance and never drive recklessly. Make sure to get familiar with these signs of reckless driving behavior so that you can avoid unsafe drivers on the road.