3 Important Questions to Ask Your Breast Implant Surgeon

As of 2019, breast augmentation surgery was the top performed cosmetic surgery. Although there have been other trends in different types of surgery, breast implants have stayed steady as the number one surgery requested by people in the United States.

If you have been thinking about getting breast augmentation surgery it is important to do your research. Prepare your questions before you speak to a breast implant surgeon that you are considering.

Keep reading to learn about the top questions you should ask.

1. Ask About Their Experience

It’s important to know that you trust the right person with the job, so one of the first things you should ask a breast implant surgeon that you are considering working with is about their experience.

Make sure that they are certified by the board or organization that oversees plastic surgeons in your country. This is the most important question to ask if you are going to get a boob job.

  • Other questions you can ask include:
  • Can I see your surgeon’s portfolio results?
  • How many breast implants do you do on average each month?
  • How long have you been practicing?
  • What are your rate of complications?

2. Ask a Breast Implant Surgeon About the Procedure

Although there is a variety of factors that must be taken into consideration, the surgeon should be able to give you a good idea of what to expect. Some factors that might affect the procedure include placement, type of implant, and size.

You can also ask for recommendations regarding saline vs silicone implants. Find out how each will affect the procedure and recovery time.

Other questions you can ask regarding the procedure could include:

  • Where will you make the incisions?
  • Where will the implant sit?
  • What are the possible complications?
  • How often do complications occur?
  • What happens if there are complications?
  • How long does the surgery last?
  • Could I lose sensations in my breasts?
  • Do I need to make any diet changes or lifestyle adaptations before surgery?
  • If I have children, can I breastfeed after surgery?

3. Ask About Recovery Time

It’s important to know what you can expect from breast implant recovery. You want to follow the instructions of your breast implant surgeon to avoid complications. Your surgeon should be able to answer the following questions for you:

  • How long is the recovery time?
  • When can I start to exercise again?
  • How long before I can have sex?
  • Will I need a special bra?
  • How much time should I take off of work?
  • How will I know if an implant ruptures?

Make Informed Cosmetic Surgery Choices

Breast implant surgery is almost common these days. You can do your own research but your best resource for information is a qualified breast implant surgeon. Speak to several surgeons before you make your final decision.

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