Fancy a Weekend Away?


There’s nothing more liberating than leaving it all behind and taking off for the weekend. And if you can do it with your gorgeous man and no kids, then it’s even better! So why not book yourself out of your busy schedule for a couple of days, and treat yourself to something special?

Be spontaneous, do something crazy or just veg out. This is your weekend, so you get to choose. And if you can fit in some hot lovin’ and remind yourselves why you fell head over heels for each other, it’s got to be cheaper than therapy. And so much more fun!

Music festival

Channel your inner rock chick and dance the weekend away at a music festival. It may not be very glam, but hell, you’ll have the time of your lives, and it’ll be your dirty little secret.

Nothing will make you feel younger, cooler or more alive than watching your favourite band perform live as the sun goes down over your muddy feet. But don’t forget your camera, because you may not believe what you got up to, in the cold light of Monday morning.

Fancy hotel

If you only do it occasionally, booking a room in a luxury hotel won’t break the bank. It will however make you feel like a million dollars, and you’ll be ready to face whatever comes next.

Lounge by the pool in fluffy robes, enjoy a massage and a romantic meal, and have a cocktail or two at the bar. Talk, laugh and gaze into each other’s eyes over the mini bar.

You don’t have to go far. In fact, as long as you don’t tell anyone where you are, just down the road will do, providing they have room service and a TV in the bathroom!


Throw your sleeping bag and walking shoes in the back of the car, and just go. Return to your favourite spots, the place you first kissed or somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. You could head to the beach or the hills, and you don’t even need a campsite, just be spontaneous and stop wherever looks good.

Hike, ride horses, kayak or just lie under the stars holding hands. Swim in a river and watch the sunset in companionable silence. The fresh air is sure to make you relax, and all you have to do is focus on each other and have fun.


There’s nothing more romantic than being holed up in a cosy cottage in a secluded forest. A blazing fire, warm blanket and a bottle of red will help to create the perfect atmosphere for relaxing and falling in love all over again.

If you can bear to leave the sofa, go for a wander through the nearest village, have a leisurely lunch or picnic by a lake. Stay in bed all day reading the paper and snuggling, eat luxury chocolates and just be. Together.

Taking a weekend to have fun together and escape from the rigors of real life is essential for you and for your relationship. Consider it an investment in your future.

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