Feeling Out Of Sorts? How To Spot The Early Signs Of Pregnancy
Are you feeling out of sorts? Are you tired or emotional? Do you feel different, but you just can’t put your finger on why? If so, there is a chance that you could be pregnant. Some women say they know they’re pregnant straight away while others may not even think to take a test for several weeks. If you’ve been trying to conceive, or you think you may be pregnant, here are some tips to help you spot the early signs.
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Common symptoms of early pregnancy
Most women decide to take a pregnancy test when their period is late. But this is not the only indicator of pregnancy. Other early signs of pregnancy include bloating, changes in your mood and cravings. You may also notice that your breasts are swollen, and you feel sick. These symptoms are fairly general and just because you have them, doesn’t mean that you’re pregnant. If you miss a period, or you’re late, there are many other possible causes. Stress, weight loss, and illness can all impact your menstrual cycle.
What to do next
If you think there’s a chance that you may be pregnant, it’s a good idea to take a test. It’s always best to do at least two tests, just to be sure. You can buy pregnancy tests from drug stores and supermarkets. Follow the instructions carefully. If you get a negative result, you may still be pregnant. During the very early stages of pregnancy, hormone levels may still be relatively low. If you continue to experience symptoms, try the test again a couple of weeks later.
If your test is positive, see your doctor. During your pregnancy, you’ll go through a prenatal care program. The first major step is usually to get a pregnancy scan, which takes place at 10-12 weeks. This will be followed by a second, more detailed scan at around 18-20 weeks. If you want to, you can usually find out the gender of your baby at this scan.
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Coping with symptoms later on in pregnancy
During your pregnancy, your body undergoes profound changes, and you may experience a whole range of symptoms. Morning sickness tends to subside after the first trimester, but this is not always the case. In the second and third trimesters, you may feel tired, bloated and achy. Back pain is very common, and many women find it difficult to get comfortable in bed. Make sure you look after yourself and take things steady. Rest when you can. Try and eat well, and stay as active as you can. You may not be able to jog, cycle or lift weights. But there are exercises you can try. Yoga, Pilates, and swimming are very popular with pregnant women.
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Some women guess they’re pregnant the moment they start to feel a little different. Others take weeks even to consider that they may be pregnant. If you’ve spotted some early signs such as nausea, tiredness, and mood swings, buy a couple of pregnancy tests. If you do get a positive result, seek advice from your doctor. Every woman is different, and some pregnancies are much more straightforward than others. Hopefully, if you are pregnant, you’ll enjoy a stress-free, uncomplicated pregnancy. Good luck!