Contrary to what most people think, asking a girl or a guy out on a date is not difficult. With the right lines, approach, and a little bit of luck, you could convince any girl to go out on a date with you—easy-peasy!

The complicated aspect of asking someone out comes after she has agreed to your request. If you truly love the person and the date means the world to you, you’ll feel queasy right away, with so many thoughts racing through your mind. For first-timers, it’s usually worse, and that is why we have put together a helpful article regarding the dos and don’ts for a memorable first date. 

1. Don’t be late, ever!

Obviously, this should be the first, and I suppose you saw it coming. Showing up early on your first date is the perfect start to acing your date. When you show early—before the agreed-upon time, of course—you pass several messages across, one of which is that you value the individual’s time and care about the date.

Showing up late, regardless of how late, is a bad way to start the first date. It is a telltale sign of sheer unseriousness and lack of value for the individual.

2. Leave your phone alone!

I understand how important your phone is to you. However, when it comes to a date, nothing is more important than that cute individual seated beside you, trying to figure out if indeed you are someone worth considering or someone not worth their time.

So, regardless of the reason, always quell the urge to press your phone. Don’t even stare at it. You could flip it over, so its screen is concealed if you know you can’t just stop looking at that shining screen whenever it lights up.

Pressing your phone while conversing on a first date is rude. Such action screams, “whatever is on this screen is more important than you.” And you will agree that it’s the worst message you can send someone you are meeting for the first time.

3. Don’t come off too strong.

Before you go out on a first date, you need to understand its purpose. The purpose of a first date is to ask about each other, plan a potential relationship, and organize a kind of romantic activity. Always recite this whenever you find yourself going overboard. When I say “overboard,” I mean coming off too strong.

Don’t speak to your first date like you have known them for years. Watch your words, so you don’t say something upsetting. Using pet names like “love” and “honey” is a huge no-no.  You are just meeting the individual, so your conversation should be simple.

Furthermore, avoid excessive touching. Don’t go about touching the individual like he, she or they are your partner. Regardless of the intention, such an act can give your first date a wrong impression about you.

4. Dress well, but don’t go overboard

Everyone wants to impress on a first date. They want their date to see them as prince or princess charming and fall in love immediately. While there are a lot of ways to capture your date’s heart, going overboard with your dressing or makeup isn’t one of them. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look nice. The aim here, when it comes to your dressing, is to look simple. Don’t borrow your friend’s clothes, rides, and accessories because you want to please your date.

If you are a girl, you could wear something simple like nice shorts, capris, or pants, coupled with a raw black tourmaline necklace or something good-looking. A skirt or dress may hinder your movement. For guys, you can consider a collared shirt, denim jeans, and a pair of shoes. Keep it simple and attractive.

5. Don’t focus on yourself.

As I said, the goal of a first date is to get to know an individual and not ramble about the stuff you own, how your dad left your mom, how you dropped out from school, or the business you run. While such topics are cool, they should be left for another time.

Talking so much about yourself without giving your date enough time to contribute would put you in a bad light. Of course, on a first date, we often want to impress. However, you’ll be taking it too far if you keep boring your date with your life story. A first date should be a two-sided affair where you talk and your date listens. Afterward, your date talks, and you listen. The conversation should be geared towards knowing each other, nothing more. 

6. Ask questions

Communication is key to the success of a date. For this reason, it is important that you keep the conversation flowing. And what better way to do that than ask questions?

When you ask questions, you encourage conversation and spice up your date in the process. While asking questions is a good way to fuel lasting conversations, it is crucial that your questions don’t go overboard.

Keep your questions semi-general (work, family, hobbies, etc.) until you feel that you both are ready to tackle the big stuff, such as politics, education, region, and probably ex.

Remember, a memorable date is one where you get to know your date in the best, fun-filled, and lively way. With that in mind, you should know what to do.

7. Offer to pay

So you asked a guy or a girl out on a date, and after enjoying yourselves, you relaxed on your comfy chair, waiting for your first date to grab the check and pay. Who does that? 

You should be the one to pay and not the other way round. And if your date insists on paying, offer to split the bill, or at least leave a tip. Leaving the entire bill for your date is quite off-putting. You’ll be passing a terrible message to your first date by doing such.


The chances that you will ace your first date and the chances that you will ruin it are 50/50. Considering this stat, it makes sense to make an adequate plan and adopt the right measures so you don’t end up regretting when your first date goes south. Remember, it takes the right tip to enjoy a first date. We have played our part by providing you with the tips. Now it is left for you to implement them. Good luck!

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