Fun, Fit, and Colourfully Festive: How to Host a Colour Run Fundraiser

Ever since Travis Snyder organised the first Color Run event in Arizona in 2011, the phenomenon has exploded across the country like the hues that are dowsed on participants. Colour runs have become popular because they’re fun and low key—unlike competitive runs, there’s no pressure to come in first.
They’re also popular as fundraising events because anyone can participate. If you’re interested in organising your own colour run fundraiser, you may not know where to begin. However, they’re fairly easy to pull off.
Here are some key tips to keep in mind so your colour run is a success.
Pick a Name and Date
Start with why you’re hosting a fundraiser and come up with a name for your colour run and the ideal date to hold it. The spring and autumn months usually work best so participants won’t get too hot.
Come up with a hashtag for your colour run that you can use to promote it across social media.
Choose a Location or Route
You’ll first need to choose a location or run route for your fundraiser. Some colour runs take place as a 5K where others can be held in a giant parking lot or park. It’s really up to you and which one fits your fundraiser’s theme.
Whatever you choose, you’ll need to secure permits through the town where your fundraiser is to take place.
Form a Planning Committee and Recruit Volunteers
Hosting a colour run is a lot of work and the more people you can recruit to help out with tasks, the better. Organise a planning committee and recruit volunteers that can help with registering participants, dispensing powder on the runners, and offering refreshments.
You may want to break up your committee into smaller teams who can focus on specific to-dos such as promoting the event, filling out paperwork, and hiring entertainment.
Know Your Powder Dos and Don’ts
The powder used in colour run events is harmless, non-toxic, and dyed using FDA-approved hues. It also washes off clothing and skin easily. However, part of knowing how to organize a color race means instructing your volunteers and participants on how to handle the powder so everyone has a safe time.
Powder should always be thrown so it’s aimed at a person’s shoulders or lower. You don’t want to throw powder in someone’s face, where it could enter the eyes, nose, or mouth.
You’ll want to instruct participants to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes or purchase cheap sunglasses in bulk to hand out. Most colour run participants wear white so the eye-popping powder can really show itself off.
Don’t Forget Entertainment
You’ll want everyone to get pumped on the big day, so hire entertainment and plan a few activities that your runners can enjoy before or after the colour run. Don’t forget to play music to put everyone in a great mood.
Have Fun With a Color Run Fundraiser
A colour run fundraiser is a great way to bring the community together for a cause. The above tips should boost your confidence as you plan your own colour run event.
For more tips on organising fun events everyone will love, check out our lifestyle archive of posts.