Furniture Priorities For Your New Home


Regular readers will know that my small family and I underwent a big house move last year. Along with my engagement, and the near arrival of a mini-me, it’s been a crazy two years! This morning, I was thinking back to our hectic moving day, and thinking about what we could have done better. The hardest part about moving to a new place is turning up to an empty shell.

After all that heavy lifting and stress, you’ve still got to turn that empty house into a home! As a young couple, we’re still collecting pieces of furniture, and trying to fill the home. It takes longer than you think, and frankly, we had no idea where to start. Looking back, it seems obvious what our priorities should have been! With that in mind, I’m sharing them with you today, just in case you’re in a similar position to us.

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  1. A big, soft, chunky sofa

After the long move and tiresome paperwork, I just wanted to curl up on a lovely, comfy sofa. Unfortunately, our living room was left empty! It’s one of the first things I suggest you take with you. And, if you haven’t yet bought one, I’d move it to the top of the list. A good sofa instantly turns a house into a home, and softens up those cold hard edges of an empty property. We eventually got our hands on a big love seat and a sofa for the living room, which we love!


  1. Kitchen table

In a new property, the kitchen is the hardest place to soften up. The cold floors and harsh edges definitely need a little work to soften them up. A well-placed rug, and plenty of soft furnishings certainly did the trick, but it was still missing something. It wasn’t until we invested in a large wooden kitchen table that we found the missing piece.


  1. Office chair and desk

As you all know, I live my life through my blog, and we sell all our creations on Etsy. So, we spend a lot of time at the computer working on our projects. But, it’s really tricky to do that without a good space to work from! (Though, blogging in bed quickly became a common occurrence!) Eventually, we got our hands on a sturdy desk and two comfortable drafting stools for our makeshift office. Now, we’re all set up to continue the blog and our crafting empire!


  1. A book shelf

In my opinion, a house becomes a home when you fill it with all your most treasured possessions. For me, that’s my big collection of books! A dark, mahogany bookcase turns any bare wall into a rich, textured pattern. It also gives it a sense of warmth and character. Instead, our books lay in cardboard boxes for weeks until we got round to setting up the bookshelves. My advice to you is have one ready and set up. It’s just a little tip for home decor, but you’ll instantly feel at home.


If you’re planning a big move, make sure you’ve got these furniture priorities sorted! It will quickly turn your empty new house into a home.

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