Growing Tulips in Vases Indoors

Last year, I was pinning away on Pinterest (as one does) and I found a ‘how to grow tulips indoors, in a vase’ pin. As tulips are my favourite flowers, I decided to try it last weekend.

Apparently, Mother’s Day is a popular date to plant tulips, but anytime from late April to early May will give the bulbs the best chance of flowering.

Tulips are one of the most recognisable plants in the garden – not to mention one of the most loved. Tulips have been cultivated for centuries.

Below is a step by step ‘how to’ on growing your own indoor tulips.

1. Find similar looking vases as the vases in the picture above (or below). I bought mine from The Reject Shop but Ikea has cylindrical vases for $5.99 each.

2. You will need some rocks or marbles. I bought black decorative pebbles from Bunnings for about $5.

3. Tulip bulbs. I also bought these at Bunnings for about $8 a packet.

4. Fill your vases about a third of the way up with the rocks/marbles/pebbles.

5. Place a bulb in the middle of the rocks and add just enough water, so the water isn’t touching the bulb, but it should be very close, so that the roots will grow in.

6. Place on a windowsill that receives a lot of sun and voila, hopefully some gorgeous tulips in a few months time.

7. Just to make sure I have some tulips outdoors come Spring time, I also planted the rest of the bulbs into outdoor pots.

I can’t wait to see how these turn out. Wish me luck!

One Comment

  • Zee Hassan

    My mum loves tullips i am going to show her this

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