How to Have an Incredible Halloween on a Budget


Halloween is just around the corner, which means you need to start planning right away if you want to have an amazing time. Whether you’re having a party, going to a party, or simply getting into the Halloween spirit, these tips will help you to do it on a budget. Enjoy!


Have a House Party

If you want to party on Halloween without spending a fortune, you could consider having a house party. You won’t need to spend much at all on the venue – all you’ll need to do is decorate a little to create that spooky atmosphere. Make sure you get rid of anything that could be broken, and use some of the other tips in this guide to make it go off with a bang! Remember not to advertise your party too widely, or you could have some strange people turning up at your door.


DIY Your Decor

Whether you do plan on having a party or you just want to get in that Halloween spirit, you can easily DIY your decor. The obvious choice is using pumpkins to create spooky lanterns and candle holders. Download templates online to help you create exactly what you want. Using string you can make fake spider webs, and there’s so much more you can do with glow paints and bit of card. Use your imagination and check out tutorials online.


Make Your own Spooky Snacks

To get even more into the halloween spirit, you could create some spooky snacks for your guests or just for yourself. You can even give these out to trick or treaters if you like! You have all kinds of options, from Frankenstein cupcakes to bat biscuits. There’s something to suit all budgets!


Make Your Own Costume

Buying a costume is easy as pie, but most Halloween costumes aren’t as cheap as you’d like them to be. There’s no reason you can’t make a costume out of things you already have in your wardrobe. You could use dyes and scissors to transform something you own into a ‘bride of Frankenstein’ dress for example, or use bandages to make your own mummy outfit. It won’t cost you much for materials, so all you need is the time to set aside and actually create something!


Practice Special Effects Makeup

Special effects makeup is the thing that will really pull your look together and make it look amazing. You can use a silicone mould and other special gear to make just about any look you like! There are videos on YouTube that could help you to become a zombie, vampire, or even a comic book character. Don’t forget to add fake cuts and bruises to your look either. With YouTube at your disposal you can easily transform yourself into anything you like.


See? There’s no need to spend a fortune on decor, costumes, and professional makeup. You can easily do it all yourself with these tips I’ve mentioned here! Any tips of your own that you love? Make sure you let me know!

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