How To Plan A First Birthday Party For Your Child
First child’s birthday is a special occasion for both parents and child. It’s no wonder that this event causes so much excitement, when you have a kid you are celebrating everything he/she does for the first time (except drawing on the wall, breaking the vase and similar stuff). Everything in child’s life should be a reason to celebrate, but the sweetest first birthday is unique and should be a true festive. Here are some ideas how to make the perfect party your baby deserves.
Choose a location
In most cases your house is the best options, especially if the weather is warm and you have a big backyard. However, if you live in a small apartment or house, it would be too complicated, cluttered and demanding to organize a birthday party there. In these cases, it would be best that you consider other options, such as playground, child-themed restaurant, community centre, some sort of club or fast food restaurant, etc. If you want to make it extra fun, why not opt for a zoo?
Decide for a theme
Kids of all ages enjoy themed parties, and it would be fun to look at those photos later on. Also, a theme may help you in deciding everything else about the party, such as the food, dress code, decoration etc. You will have to be the mastermind of this “operation” because your baby is too small to decide about favorite cartoons, fairytales, etc. Choose a theme that will look great on photos, and something that you are sure your child will be ok with when he/she grows up and look at them.
Focus on your child
Though you should try to keep your guests satisfied, don’t forget who is the most important person on the party. Yep, that little fella. Your baby should be at the centre of the attention, especially because he/she has probably never before been in such a crowd. Give him/her a special gift you know it will last for years or perhaps even forever. Consider a present consisted of two parts, one could be a toy that your child will adore, and the other could be a piece of jewelry that will be “for keeps” part.
Treat your budget with a DIY
Surely you want all the best for your baby’s first birthday, but that doesn’t mean you have to desolate your budget in order to accomplish it. On the contrary, doing some chores with your own hands will add a little bit of the most important spice a child could need – love. Bake your own cake and make your own decorations and birthday invitations. You can even bake your own cupcakes and create a fun game of decorating them with your guests.
Party favors
If you’ve ever read Lord of the rings, perhaps you remember that the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins is giving presents to his birthday guests. Our little people, just like hobbits, love receiving presents. So give the smallest party visitors some goodie bags. Whether you decide for candies, toys, books or something else, the kids will leave the party with smiles on their faces. And there is nothing more rewarding than a child’s smile.
Don’t forget to hire someone (a volunteer preferably) to take a lot of photos. Both your child and yourself will enjoy them when the first birthday party becomes a distant memory.