How to Reduce EMF Exposure in Your Home

closeup phone and headphone device on table

Electromagnetic field radiation: ever heard of it? 

If not, you’re not alone. Even public health researchers debate the seriousness of EMF exposure in our lives. 

Sadly, debating a thing doesn’t make it go away. And EMF exposure, as foreign and inconsequential as it may seem, is only increasing as we welcome more and more electronics into our lives. 

Ready to learn more? Read on for more information about EMF radiation exposure, and how you can better manage this twenty-first-century problem in your own home.

What is EMF Exposure?

When we talk about EMF exposure, we’re referring to the energy that comes specifically from our electronics. Possible sources of EMF exposure include: 

  • Smartphones
  • Cars
  • Power lines
  • Laptops
  • Cellular network towers
  • Wifi
  • Household appliances 

Unlike high-frequency EMFs like X-ray imaging machines and CT scans, the invisible energy waves produced by our household gadgets are known as low-to-mid frequency EMFs. According to a 2011 statement made by the World Health Organization, this kind of exposure is “possibly carcinogenic,” and deserves a closer look. Possible symptoms include: 

  • Excessive headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic stress
  • Insomnia
  • Prickling or burning skin sensations
  • Brain fog or buzzing
  • Unexplained hives or rashes
  • A ringing in your ears
  • Hormonal imbalances

If you’ve noticed an increase in these symptoms over the years, it may be time to revisit the presence of EMFs in your home. It is very possible to improve your environment and observe a decrease in headaches, brain fog, and stress. 

Reducing EMF Exposure in Your Home 

Protection from EMF exposure doesn’t have to be complicated. These few simple steps can do a lot to improve the electromagnetic stress placed on your body after years of technology use. 

1. Keep Your Distance

Wi-fi routers, router extenders, cordless phone base stations, and other EMF-emitting devices should be a minimum of 15–20 feet away from the place you sleep or spend an extended amount of time. 

2. Reduce Power Output to Wifi and Other Electronics 

Reducing the power output to your Wi-fi router is an easy way to decrease the EMF output. Luckily, maximum power output (the default) is not typically necessary for the average home. Decreasing the power output can actually improve the security of your router!

We also advocate turning off your router at night (or when it’s not in use). What’s the harm in giving it a break? 

3. Avoid the Use of Bluetooth

Turn off Bluetooth to your wireless keyboard, mouse, microphones, or speakers. Better yet– switch to wired versions of these gadgets. 

4. Shield Your Router

Router shields or guards are available for purchase and use in your home. Router guards are made of a metal mesh material that surrounds the device and decreases EMF output.  

If you’d rather just improve your immediate sleep space, a bed canopy can be a great investment. Sites like offer attractive options for your space without having to sacrifice your aesthetic. 

Live Your Healthiest Life 

Taking steps today to reduce EMF exposure in your daily life may improve those uncomfortable symptoms that have been haunting you for years. Remember, though–creating a healthier home shouldn’t be limited to reducing EMF exposure. Start living your best life, and find more tips and recommendations in the wellbeing section of our blog. 

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