Katy Perry is a Covergirl

Katy Perry Covergirl

The gorgeous Katy Perry is the latest celebrity to become a Covergirl cover girl, joining Drew Barrymore, Pink, Ellen as recent Covergirl ambassadors.

Katy announced the partnership via Twitter yesterday “BEAUTIFUL news to share with you all. Today is my first day as a @COVERGIRL! See what happens when you let the light in?”

“Letting light in” is Katy referring to her troubled past 12 months where she battled depression and was reportedly suicidal over her divorce from Russell Brand. Katy has been very open about her struggles and it is great to see a celebrity talking about it and raising awareness of depression. We are also happy Katy is moving forward with her life and making huge things happen!

This is Katy’s first cosmetics partnership. “In addition to music, I’ve always considered makeup to be a powerful creative avenue of self-expression,” Katy said in a statement.

“I’m honored to partner with COVERGIRL and share more colors and textures of my approach to beauty to inspire my audience.”

CoverGirl couldn’t be happier, saying Katy’s “passion, playfulness, and bold style sensibility” is the perfect fit for a brand that ‘comes ready to roar.'”

“Never afraid to express emotion, strength, vulnerability or independence, Katy is the embodiment of a true COVERGIRL — someone we root for, identify with, and get inspiration from,” said Esi Eggleston Bracey, VP and general manager of CoverGirl Cosmetics.

Katy will be promoting “bold new beauty looks” for the CoverGirl spring campaign in 2014, which shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for a pop star with a history of irreverent style choices, from retro pinup girl to anime space princess to queen of the jungle.

Katy’s partnership also coincides with the release of her new album, Prism, to be launched on Tuesday 22nd of October. You can listen to the album on Katy’s website http://www.katyperry.com/


Also, if you get a chance check out her videos for “Roar” and “Wide awake”. The are both fantastic music clips and  give you a laugh.

The first single from the album “Roar” has topped the charts all over the world and we are sure her new album will as well.

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