Making A Difference- How To Raise Funds Using Jewellery For A Good Cause

Life isn’t just about doing the best for yourself and your family. Every woman craves to give back to the community and make a difference in some way. The best way to do it is by contributing to a cause that aims to help others and make them happy. You could donate to an orphanage, help someone struggling with cancer, or work for the underprivileged. Despite the best intentions, you cannot imagine doing everything on your own. 

You need finance, and raising funds is the best way to get started with the initiative. There are many options to explore for fundraising, and jewellery for a good cause is one of the most popular ways to collect money and go a step ahead with your vision and mission. But you need to know more about the option before getting started. Here are some ways you can raise funds for your purpose by using jewellery.

Appreciation for donation 

If you run a charitable organisation and want people to donate generously, nothing helps more than appreciating their contribution. The best way to say thank you for their generous gestures is by giving them a bracelet or ring as a token of appreciation. You can look for a design partner that is willing to provide quality products at the best prices so that these gifts do not burn a hole in your organisational budgets. Your donors will love to flaunt the jewels and get you free promotion by spreading the word.

Event sales

Being visible is as important for a charitable organization as it is for any business. It is easier said than done as you will probably not have marketing budgets like commercial entities. But being present at events in the community can give you the reach you want to propagate your mission. Consider selling exquisite jewellery at a profit if you are looking for an opportunity to raise funds. You may put up a counter at a local sports event or even a dog fashion show. Any event that pulls the crowd has the potential to popularize your cause and make money by selling pretty and precious pieces.

Online sales

Even as you cannot expect many events around in the pandemic era, you need not lose hope because you can still sell jewellery online to collect funds for your purpose. You only need to have a website to showcase the products and find buyers for them. There isn’t a need to worry if investing in an e-commerce website does not fit in your current budget. You can even consider putting up your stuff on an online marketplace, and it is easy to find buyers without having to create and manage an online store. It is the best way to get started though having your own store is always a better bet as it serves promotional benefits too.  

Online fundraising campaigns

Besides selling directly on your website or an online marketplace, you can also plan digital fundraising campaigns and use jewelry to promote them. You can partner with a non-profit design company that brings stunning designs to your budget and provides special packaging for the charity fundraising event. These designers never compromise on quality and have low consignment costs so that you can easily make big money by selling these pieces. Even if you want to give away stuff to generous donors, they will not pinch your budget. 

Silent auctions

Another good idea to raise funds with jewellery is by holding a silent auction. The best thing about these events is that they have the potential to get you massive sums for your purpose. You ask the guests to write silent bids, and there are good chances that they will go above and beyond if they like specific pieces a lot. You can host a silent auction physically or even invite buyers virtually to pick the best jewelry pieces in your collection. It is definitely a chance to get the best prices for your stuff.

Crowdfunding campaigns

If you want to go the extra mile to gather more funds for your charity, crowdfunding campaigns bring the right opportunity. You can plan a campaign to gather donations online by enticing prospective donors with stunning pieces of designer jewelry. A thank you piece works as an incentive for people to donate more. It is a smart approach to raise money as you can entice them to donate $75 instead of $50 by giving a bracelet worth $5, so you end up making an extra $20 in donations. 

Levels of donations

You can get a step ahead with crowdfunding by creating levels of donations and incentivizing each of them with a specific value in jewelry. The product value increases as the donation values go up. The donor will be happy to come back for repeat donations and move up with the value the next time so that they can access a different and more valuable jewelry piece. People who associate with your organization feel good about giving away as you appreciate them for their good work.

Prizes and mystery boxes

Adding a fun element to donations is a good idea, and you can do it by giving away jewelry in raffle prizes and mystery boxes. People will be happy to splurge on tickets and mystery boxes when they have a chance to win an exquisite jewel in the draw. The fun and excitement of winning a prize is another reason that encourages them, and they also have the satisfaction of doing it for a purpose. You end up selling more and gathering a big sum for your mission by just investing in low-cost pieces to give away.

With so many opportunities to gather money for a good cause, you have more reasons to dedicate yourself to one. Finding a partner who offers low-cost pieces to take your objective ahead may take some effort, but it is worthwhile. Making a difference gives you immense peace and happiness, whether you do it for one person or a section of the community. So go ahead and get started right now!

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