Marilyn Monroe named as global brand ambassador for Max Factor

marilyn2Sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, the star of 1950’s and early 1960’s movies such as “Some like it hot” and “How to marry a millionaire”, has been named the new global makeup ambassador for Max Factor, even though she has been deceased for fifty-three years.

The announcement comes 80 yeas since Mr Max Factor opened the doors of his Hollywood make-up studio; his most famous client was local girl Norma Jeane, who first entered the studio in the late 1940’s as a brunette, then left as a blonde.

Some have said that it was Max Factor that completed her transformation into Marilyn Monroe.

“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world” Monroe famously said.


Pat McGrath, Max Factor’s Global Creative Design Director said Marilyn defined glamour.

“Marilyn made the sultry red lip, creamy skin and dramatically lined eyes the most famous beauty look of the 1940’s and it’s a look that continues to dominate the beauty and fashion industry,” McGrath said. “It is the ultimate look that defines glamour – nothing else compares.”

Max Factor Australia Head Makeup Artist, Liz Kelsh said Marilyn was a beauty icon.

“Her statement Ruby Tuesday red lips, for which she is known, are both timeless and modern,” Kelsh said. “The incredible transformation in the hands of Max Factor from timid Norma Jean to powerful Marilyn Monroe is the most fantastic example of the magic of makeup. I love the power of transformation and I see make up as a tool that can be your best friend, a friend that hides your flaws and shows off your assets to the max. Everyone feels more confident wearing makeup, and with the right makeup anything is possible.”



“Max Factor have always believed that glamour matters – and that glamour itself exists beyond make-up, it’s an approach to life that Marilyn embodied so perfectly,” said Esi Eggleston Bracey, Vice President of Max Factor Cosmetics. “It’s through this attitude to life that women are encouraged to be adventurous, to push themselves, and to ultimately have the confidence and passion to fulfil whatever it is that they want.”

What do you think of Max Factor naming Marilyn as their new “face”?

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