Preparing your child to move out of home


Moving out of the house for the first time is a milestone that everyone has to prepare for. Whether it’s for work or studies, moving out of the family comfort zone will take your child to another level that they can enjoy. You’ll be able to expose yourself to a new environment, meet new people, and they will have a place that they can call their own.

The big move can sometimes be a daunting experience for the unprepared, so here are a few things to keep in mind before your child is set out into the big scary world on their own:

Emotional stability:

Moving out will mean moving away from family, friends and their comfort zone. A different environment will require them to be ready for the challenges that might seem intimidating, especially if they are away from support groups.

While there are things that they can avoid doing, there are also things that they can do to be emotionally stable like occupying their time by learning a new skill or spending more time on existing hobbies and leisure pursuits. Another powerful step is to take care of their physical health as it is also connected to mental health. Keeping family and friends close at hand for regular catch-ups using technology is also recommended, especially if they’re in need of support, a listening ear or encouragement.

What stuff to take:

It’s not an easy feat to pick belongings to bring along with you. You’ll have to consider which ones are still usable and which are the ones that you need to let go. As how to take them to their next place, you can consider moving by car, bus, plane or simply hire a trusted mover. Compare and get what you exactly need and if they’re a student, check out those who are offering student discounts like SQUAREpeg Movers.

Maturity and sense of responsibility:

Moving out of a parent’s house will require them to be more responsible for their self. They have rent, utilities and other responsibilities to pay for. If they’re feeling sick, it’s their duty now to call for a doctor’s appointment or if something needs to be fixed inside their room or house, it’s their responsibility to have it fixed. If they’re hungry, they’ll have to cook or spend their own money eating out.

Nobody is going to do it for them by the time they move out so they need to prepare for such things. They’ll also need to be prepared to be more mature and shoulder more responsibilities for their own wellbeing. While this may sound daunting, learning to be independent can be one of the most fulfilling milestones in their life.


They will need to allow living expenses and carefully manage how they will spend their income now that they live on their own. Try budgeting methods like the envelope system, or simply download apps like TrackMySPEND, which allow you to monitor expenses and nominate a spending limit. Their lifestyle has to adapt to how much money they are making to have a peace of mind in making the ends meet.


Having a positive perspective is perhaps the most important decision they will have to consciously make on a daily basis when they’re out on your own. Eric Klinenberg, author of Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise And Surprising Appeal Of Living Alone, revealed that “solo dwellers are most likely to eat out and exercise, sign up for art and music classes, attend public events and lectures and volunteer”.

Look at your child moving out as an opportunity rather than a challenge. Placing the child in a completely new environment opens doors and possibilities of things that they’ve always dreamed about and set new goals to achieve.

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