Shell Lego Ferrari Giveaway

Sponsored post & giveaway

If your kids are anything like mine, than they will be somewhat obsessed with Lego. The boys were quite excited about Shell Coles Express releasing their limited edition Shell Ferrari Lego range.

Every week, a new Ferrari model Lego set will be available to purchase for six weeks nation wide. Very cool, yes?

 The limited edition Ferrari model LEGO cars have the smallest pull-back motor ever produced by LEGO Group. They are capable of performing over 300 pulls, propelling the 30g vehicles up to two metres. We tested this theory and indeed, it is true. With mainly tile flooring through the house, the Lego Ferrari’s were speeding around everywhere. 
These incredible Lego sets are actually modeled on the Ferrari F1 team and launched when the Melbourne Grand Prix was on in March. 

The cars are $6 each with a $40 purchase of Shell V-Power or $8 without a fuel purchase. Which is great for us, as I spend at least $50 on premium petrol at Coles Express every week (my poor Mazda 6 Mum’s taxi does a lot of km’s during the week!). 

Guess what? We have one full set of LEGO cars to giveaway including a set of money-can’t-buy mini figures 
(only 2,000 available in Australia!!)
Competition closes at 5pm 26th April. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This was a sponsored post and giveaway as per our disclosure policy.


  • sapna

    My son loves to play with legos – it allows him to build things with his imagination. Legos allow him to play for hours without getting bored.There is no limit to things that he can create using legos.

  • bardie

    It’s a great guilty pleasure that doesn’t make you gain weight. It’s a healthy hobby

  • jaz

    L-oved by the whole family
    E-ntertains for hours
    G-reat skill and educational development
    O-nly limited by your imagination

  • Rockn

    They can let their imaginations run wild, creat masterpieces and then destroy them and start all over again!

  • Cath

    Hubby is a Ferrari fanatic to the point we travelled to Maranello to visit the Ferrari museum on our honeymoon! He would love to make these with our girls.

  • jody jamieson

    my kids love to build then pull it apart and start again its good to watch them building together

  • Lid

    L – Lego is a household brand in our humble home.
    E – Educational and fun, always make the children wanting more.
    G – Gargantuan variety and style, there is always a theme that suits one’s liking.
    O – Obviously, the children want ALL Lego they could get their hands on.

    S – Smiles, laughter and fun are always exchanged at Lego playtime.
    H – Helping the kids doing complex designs is a great way for family fun time.
    E – Eyes coordination and improved motor movements make Lego a great toy to have.
    L – Learning and having fun is our aim to make the activity an enjoyable one for the little ones.
    L – Lego is the only toy that the kids want.

  • Jessi J

    Love to have a hands on activity and build things the way they imagine it. They also love to create amazing towns with them:)

  • Jessie Hay

    They love it because it's a versatile toy that can be used to create many different things- the possibilities are only limited by their little imaginations 🙂

  • Vicky Finch

    Aston will lose hours playing with Lego. I swear he is either going to be a builder, or designer!

  • Wendy Parks

    My daughter loves duplo and at the moment has a thing for cars, trucks and buses. I love playing with lego too…let's face it, lego is the best!

  • Rachel Kriss-Newell

    The hours of enjoyment, creative pleasures it brings to the three of my children. The prospect of new creations around every corner. They learn to share, praise each other, relate to one anther. But dudar!! Night time looms and from my sleepy perspective, creeping into their bedrooms as they call out for me – my views change:

    My three children are Lego obsessed
    Tiny pieces

  • Rachel Kriss-Newell

    My 9 year old just hates going to school and wants to play with his cars and Lego all day. At every opportunity at school he takes his matchbox cars (as I have prevented him from taking Lego as each day less and less pieces would come home) to play in the dirt. And asking him what he'd like to be when he grows up, he answers "Drive a Kenworth truck, with 10 inch monster stacks, chrome

  • sanaz p

    There is no limit to things that he can create using legos….It's just lots of fun to build

  • Cat

    Because it is a great way to engage in constructive play!

  • Cat

    Because it is a great way to engage in constructive play!

  • This Mummy Maze

    Definately one of the best educational toys on the market without the kids knowing its actually educational.

  • Angie Boylan

    I think they love it cause the possibilities are endless of what they can build, create, invent and they can play for hours! Plus Daddy is a big fan and he always builds with them 🙂

  • Michelle van Schouwen

    My kids love making things with their LEGO and pretending it's the real thing. They particularly like making cars, boats, aeroplanes and houses for the mini figurines to go in. I love listening to the stories they make up.

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