Single Girl Style: Decorating A Home That’s Yours and Yours Alone

People put so much value on relationships, but there’s an awful lot to be gained from being single. You get to enjoy your own company, get to know yourself and live a life without limits. Living alone as a single girl can be a lot of fun, for a start you get to decorate your home exactly how you want it without having to come to any compromises. You can fill it with things you love, and create a space that really makes you feel happy and content. Perhaps you’ve just broken up with a partner, maybe you’re moving into your first solo home or maybe you’ve been single a while and just fancy switching things up in your house or apartment. If so, here are some ideas!


Choose The Colours

You’ll never go far wrong with neutrals, and whether you have a large home or a tiny apartment a light neutral will look good. You’ll make it look clean and fresh, spacious and modern. Creams and magnolias are now officially out, how about going with crisp white- or a very modern pale grey? Once you’ve chosen your main decor colour, you’d choose the accent shade. Black and white make a cool monochrome combination, grey with blush pink or rose gold like also looks stunning and makes for a nice feminine theme. Alternatively you could choose a bold colour that you love- go with something that reflects you and your personality to make the space your own.

Pick The Furniture

When it comes to things like sofas and furniture, many people choose based on practicality. If you have a busy family household with kids and pets for example it makes sense to choose based on how easy things are to clean and how resistant they are to damage. But when it’s you living alone, you can choose things because they’re beautiful. Love the look of that suede armchair or white leather chesterfield sofa like Go for it, purchase beautiful things knowing they will be well looked after and appreciated. Mirrored or white gloss furniture all look very glamorous and feminine, but again go with a style that suits you.

Consider a Dressing Room or Walk in Wardrobe

This is something most women aspire to have, and when you live alone chances are you have the space to create one! You could transform a spare room, or you could use a company like to create something bespoke. A dressing table, plenty of built in wardrobes and storage, a place for clothes, bags, shoes, scarfs, makeup, perfume, jewellery. What could be better?


Finally, it’s the accessories and finishing touches that will make your space look homely and bring in your personality. Cushions, throws, rugs and sumptuous curtains will make everywhere feel cosy. Frame photos and quotes that you love and have them on display. Put trinkets and things that hold happy memories on shelves and sideboards. Living plants and a vase of fresh flowers will breathe life into the space and have even been shown to boost mood.

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