What Is Aquamation?

Did you know that most Americans don’t like to talk about death? Consider discussing with your partner or loved ones about end-of-life.

Did you know there’s another option besides cremation or traditional burial? If you want to learn about aquamation, we can help. In this guide, we’ll go over the aquamation process.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

What Is Aquamation?

Aquamation is an alternative to burial or cremation. This process, also known as alkaline hydrolysis, a water-based method of disposition.

A lot of funeral homes now offer this option for families. Aquamation is a sustainable alternative to burial or cremation.

Environmental Impact of Aquamation

Aquamation doesn’t process direct emissions of mercury or greenhouse gases. It uses a lot less energy. The water used in the process is less than what a single household would use in one day.

The water flows back to the ecosystem through the local wastewater treatment facility.

Aquamation combines an even temperature, water flow, and alkali to break down organic materials. Aquamation speeds up the decomposition process.

Aquamation creates a safe and sterile solution of salts, nutrients, sugars, soap, and amino acids in the water. These byproducts occur naturally during decomposition.

If you love the environment and want a sustainable option, consider aquamation.

How Long Have People Chosen This Method?

Universities and the science industry have used alkaline hydrolysis technology for years.

It isn’t commonly known, but it’s used to dispose of human bodies donated to medical science. There aren’t a lot of states that offer aquamation. 

How Long Will Aquamation Take?

The process tends to take anywhere from 18-20 hours or 6-8 hours. The timing will depend on the temperature of the equipment getting used. A flame cremation will take two to four hours at a much higher temperature.

Will the Family Get an Urn?

If you choose aquamation, you’ll receive more ashes compared to fire cremation. You might need a larger urn because of the increased volume of ashes.

Some people will choose to turn their loved one’s ashes into a coral reef, fireworks, or a vinyl record.

Is It the Right Choice?

Decide with your loved ones as you consider this option. It’s a personal one.

Make sure you learn about the different options you have and discuss them. You can talk to local providers who can provide insight or answers to questions you have.

Learn more about the different processes, and check out this guide on cremation information.

Now You Know More About Aquamation

We hope this guide on aquamation was helpful. Now that you know about this sustainable option consider if it’s the right choice for you or a loved one. Talk it over with your family.

Aquamation speeds up the decomposition process and is a sustainable option. Find out if local funeral homes provide this option.

Are you looking for more tips? Check out our sections on parenting and lifestyle.

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