When Might You Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

You loved your job and wanted to keep working for many more years. But your health has gotten worse over the years and now you have to stop working and file for disability to cover your bills!

But, getting a disability claim approved is much harder than you might think! A recent survey found that 53% of social security disability claims get denied.

Hiring an attorney to help you navigate the red tape can better your odds of getting approved. Keep reading to find out when it’s time to look for a social security disability lawyer.

What Does a Social Security Disability Lawyer Do?

Not everyone who files for social security disability needs to hire a lawyer. But, to know if you need to hire one, you should first know what they do for your case.

You won’t need to wait in line to talk to the social security administration people anymore. The lawyers even help fill out all the annoying paperwork the right way!

A social security disability attorney can help you with gathering any medical records or documents you may need to show to get approved. 

Not only does your lawyer help get you ready for your hearing, but they also go to the hearing with you! That alone gives many enough peace of mind to justify the lawyer’s fees.

When Should You Hire a Lawyer To Help With Your Case?

Chances are pretty high that you’ll end up getting denied the first time. Oftentimes, it takes months to get approved! A disability attorney can help you file for disability back pay to make up for that.

If you feel like you can’t manage the paperwork or the hearing by yourself, for whatever reason, then a lawyer can help ease the load for you. The sooner you hire the lawyer, the less time and effort you will need to spend on red tape and bureaucracy.

Another situation that could use an attorney is if you are still settling a worker’s compensation claim with your employer. If you don’t file the paperwork right, the worker’s compensation settlement could affect your social security disability claim or even your medicare eligibility! A lawyer can help make sure that doesn’t happen.

Changing Disability Into Different Abilities

Having to leave the workforce and learn to live on disability payments is a difficult task for anyone. Your disability also means that you’re learning to manage everyday tasks in a different way. Take it easy and try not to stress out about the aspects you can’t control.

If you think your disability case is to the point that you might need representation, there are plenty of attorneys that specialise in social security disability cases and they know all the tricks to get you approved in no time! Make sure to interview a few to find someone that you click with.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learned a few things about when to hire a social security disability lawyer. If you’re looking for more helpful articles about lifestyles, wellbeing, home life, and more, check out the rest of our blog today!

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