4 Things To Do Before You Try And Sell Your Home

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Time to sell your home? Here are four things you need to do first.

Spruce up the home

Once you try and sell, potential buyers will be coming and going to see if they like it. A weekend sprucing up the place can go a very long way. Get rid of any odours, like cigarette smoke or animal smells; these can put people off immediately. Paint over any superficial cracks and give everything a good clean. Pop some fresh flowers into every room, and light candles in potential buyers are visiting in the evenings. Outside, remember how important first impressions are. Get the windows cleaned, and be sure the front entrance is tidy. It does matter if it’s a small garden or a sprawling driveway, visitors will notice how it has been maintained.


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Find the best realtor

There are a number of ways to find the best company to sell your home. One way is through word of mouth. Do you have friends, family or colleagues in the local area who have recently sold their homes? Ask them who their realtor was, and whether or not they would recommend them. If you work in a big company, you could send an email out asking for advice (if appropriate!), or just stick up a notice in the communal kitchens. Another good way to find reviews online. Go with a company with top reviews from real people. You also want to find a company who know the local area and the local market really well.

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Figure out where you are going next

Obviously, this will all depend on how quickly your property eventually sells. It can also depend on whether or not you are in a chain, and if you will be relying on a mortgage. But once your house is listed, it could sell incredibly quickly. If it does, at the asking price, but with the proviso that move-in happens ASAP, you’ll want to be ready to move yourself. So, start researching and figuring out where you will move to next before you try and sell. If you want to stay in the same town but move to a different area, be sure to visit it at different times of the day. Drive in the local area at rush-hour, visit the cafes in the early morning and chat to your potential new neighbours. You’ll get a far more honest insight into the area than via any research. If you are moving to a new town or city, be sure to visit. Again, you can’t find out everything online!

Find your support network

‘Selling your home’ and ‘moving home’ come right at the very top of lists about things that stress a person out! Doing these things can be highly stressful, and require a lot of hard work and time. Finding a support network to help out in the process is wise. Let your nearest and dearest know that you are soon to be selling and moving, and let them know you might need their help. They are sure to be willing, and it will make a big difference. From helping you view properties to eventually helping you pack boxes, don’t try and do it all alone.

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