5 Things You Need in Your New Home


Moving into your new home is always exciting. This is your chance to show your style and make this house a home! While decorating is all good fun, you still need items that make everyday living easier. Here are five essential items that will make living in your new home easier.

1. Cleaning Products and Equipment

After you settle in, you may want to give your home a quick clean. Having cleaning supplies and equipment on hand makes the job a lot easier. Washing powders, floor cleaners, vacuums, and paper towels are all likely necessities. If your new home has a carpet type you’re unfamiliar with, ask a professional carpet manufacturer such as Stainmaster Australia about how you can keep it looking great for years to come. If your new home has any flooring that is not carpet, a vacuum can be essential for cleaning up any dirt dragged in from the move, especially if you haven’t bought a broom just yet.

2. Kitchenware

Eating from paper plates will grow tiresome very quickly. Proper crockery and cutlery is a great way to add your own style to your new place. Don’t worry about having matching sets when you first move in! So long as you can eat from it and not have your knife cut through your plate, it’s a start. Pots and pans are another great kitchen item to have when moving in. You won’t be able to cook anything on that new stove of yours without them.

3. Seating and Sleeping

Sleeping on the floor is never a great idea. Ensure you have a bed of some kind for at least the first few nights in your new house. If you’re planning on purchasing a new bed or upgrading, an air mattress can be an inexpensive alternative for a few nights until you get your new bed. Add some bed linen and pillows and you’ll have a great sleep no matter what you’re sleeping on. If you have more moving to do, ensuring a good sleep will help you deal with any stress from the previous days, so sleeping materials are essential! Couches and chairs are great for the rest of the house, especially when you need a break from moving. If no seats are available, bean bags can make a great alternative for the time being.

4. Iron and Ironing Board

Finding time to move in-between work days? Sometimes, taking a few days off isn’t an option. Even after you have finished moving, there’s still unpacking everything into its new place. But you don’t need to look as tired as you feel. An iron and ironing board are great essentials to make sure you still look your best, even throughout the chaos of moving. These long term items will last several years, so they are a great investment when you’re first moving into your new home.

5. Rubbish Bin

At the end of the day, your rubbish has to go somewhere. It would be a pain to make a trip to your outside bins every time you needed to throw out a piece of rubbish. An inside rubbish bin is a necessity for throwing away any household mess, from food scraps to dust bunnies. Why not have an inside recycling bin too? Now you can separate your recyclable materials from your general before putting them in the appropriate outdoor bins.

Your new home is your playground. While adding your own style and unique touches, there are some things every household needs for basic functions. Is there anything that you simply couldn’t live without in your home? Feel free to share your top household necessities and moving tips in the comments.

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