All About Gin Distillation

New Zealand is a prosperous country with a significantly successful economy and ecommerce industry. It is frequently visited by tourists and a lot of people love to spend their time partying or celebrating various occasions in its alluring sceneries and islands. 

Given the rising trends in tourism, many businesses in the region have also entered the gin-making industry. In 2020 alone, there were about 100 commercial distillers in New Zealand- making it one of the most lucrative industries to invest in.

While it may seem easy to understand that the production of gin products may be expensive, gin in NZ is actually relatively cheaper compared to other gin brands produced in other parts of the globe. So you can now enjoy good quality gin at lower prices. 

If you are interested in how gin products are made, take a quick peek at the following points!

Steeping of botanical extracts 

One of the first few steps involves the distillation of gin and the steeping of the botanical extracts. In this process, the extracted components and flavouring coming from specific food and plant sources are macerated to produce an aromatic and appealing extract. 

Moreover, Gin Distillation often lets the botanical extracts suspend for 48 hours before condensing and finally moving to the second step. 

Infusion of Vapour 

Infusion of vapour allows for the base spirit to suspend out from the heated process of botanical components. In this step, the separation of the liquid from the vapour part is emphasised, and the intensity of the flavours are given utmost priority. 

This process is even more interesting because it gives an appealing and savoury taste than the botanical seeping method. Most distillers make use of this to give an impressive elusive touch to the final product. 

Vacuum distillation

One prominent thing about vacuum distillation is that it can help reduce the proclivity of pressure exerted by environmental force on the mixture made. This type of technique is employed to help accentuate the base vapour pressure. This will also help create a final gin product that is distinctively fresh flavoured and palatable to the senses. 

Out of the principles mentioned above and techniques of gin distillation, this type is mostly preferred by distillers and companies since it can preserve the integrity of the expected taste without necessarily compromising the heat induced in the process. 

Steam distillation

From the keyword itself, steam distillation is the process wherein the botanical extracts are steamed through volatile substances and condensed to produce the needed aroma and extract. What makes this process efficient in creating mixtures is that it helps saddle the properties needed to create varying flavours. 

Some gin in NZ is produced through steam distillation which makes them stand out from other known brands. Some distillers and distilling companies often resort to steam distillation since it is also operationally efficient in meeting the expectations of flavour blending. 

If you are interested, you can learn more about steam distillation by searching online.

The process of gin distillation requires intricate procedures and the creation of flavours. Some techniques employed range from vapour infusion, botanical steeping, vacuum distillation, and steam distillation. 

To create a top-quality spirit, you must know that all of these options are needed and that careful handling of the botanical components must be given priority. This ensures that the gin produced is aromatic and flavourful.

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