It’s in the BabyStars



Remember a few weeks ago when I wrote about “It’s In The Stars”?

Well, this week I tried out the BabyStars DIY kit. The report gives the user an insight on what your child is like/going to be like via their birth date and hour of birth.

I chose to do my youngest because, well, he is my baby. Even though he is now nine years old (where do the years go?).

I must say it is really easy to do and inexpensive, which would make the kit an ideal birth or even birthday present. You can chose a girl or boy kit.  The kit is purchased online for $59 and sent out to you or your nominated recipient.

All you do is enter your details, the child’s date of birth and time of birth, wait a few minutes and hey presto! the report lands in your inbox.

You then print it out the report on the lovely BabyStars paper provided in the kit, bind the print outs in the binder (which is also provided) together and you have a lovely keepsake.


I learned a lot about my little man, such as; he is a sensitive soul, stubborn and has a strong independent streak (no idea where he gets that from!) and has a strong sense of what is ‘fair’.

I loved this description because it is incredibly true:

“Your child gets bored so easily. His mind wanders and has difficulty maintaining a fixed interest for long. He is an intellectual butterfly who enjoys reading, music, microphones, computers, but he wants to be free to bounce off and do whatever takes his fancy too. This child is very curious and will need to learn new things to stimulate his very active mind.”

Master M is incredibly intelligent and needs to know everything and how things work and has done so from a very young age. He is a year ahead of his peers and I constantly hear “I’m bored”. So organising things for him to do over the holidays was important. The BabyStars was correct in the assessment of him and I found it quite interesting to read.

Even if you don’t believe in astrology, it is fun to read and would make a lovely gift.

It’s In The Stars also have couples reports, which would be a really sweet gift for Valentine’s Day coming up.

Speaking of gifts, Mummy of Style and Substance and It’s In The Stars  are giving away 6 x BabyStars DIY Astrology Report Kit. Each kit is worth $59. Australian residents only. Winners will be notified by email.



  • Michelle Walker

    What a beautiful idea, and with number 3 just about ready to make an appearance this would be a fabulous way to get a bit of an insight into what I can expect.

  • Michelle Walker

    And I am an Aquarius, which will also be the star sign of Number 3… I’m excited

  • Sandy

    One of my girlfriends got the BabyStars book but I didn’t know you could get them in a DIY Kit form. I’ve got a baby shower coming up so that would be a fun and different kind of gifft

  • Amanda Gorton

    I love astrology and I can relate it to life in many instances

  • Tasch

    Gemini – aka Jekyll and Hyde. 🙂

  • Rachel

    I love astrology. This prize looks so cute. I’d love to do my son’s stars 🙂

    • Rachel

      BTW I’m a Capricorn. My son is a Gemini. My son could have easily got the same description as your son 🙂

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