Combantrin saves the day and our sleep!


Although it’s not a nice topic to talk about (most things relating to worms or insides are, aren’t they?), it is not uncommon for children to contract intestinal worms.

When the inevitable itching and restless nights begin, it is a good idea to have something on hand to treat it as soon as we see the signs, of course that something, is Combantrin.

Combantrin is Australia’s most trusted and recommended worming brand and having three boys in our house, we always have a box on hand in our medical cupboard. Even when I was a child, Mum had Combantrin in our family medical cabinet on hand in case we needed it.

It’s so easy for children to contract worms, particularly kindy or school-aged kids who are in contact with a lot of other kids during the day and are yet to learn personal hygiene, like washing hands at certain times of the day. Kids ‘forget’ to wash before eating or after playing in dirt/sand or going to the toilet. There are more important things to be doing, like playing to do such things!

Dosage is so easy and you don’t even have to tell the kids they have worms! Can you imagine the carry on if you told them they have worms inside them? I know my youngest two would freak out and I’m sure younger kids would become worried or scared by it. You just give them “special chocolate” squares and they are done. No fuss! No worms.


It is a good idea to treat the whole family, as worms are easily spread to others.

Combantrin is readily available from your local chemist or pharmacy. Your pharmacist can assist with any questions you have related to the treatment of worms.


Always read the label, use only as directed, if symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

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