Debunking the Most Common Indoor House Plant Myths That Exist Today

Did you know that 66 per cent of people in Australia own at least one indoor house plant? Indoor plants provide a great number of benefits to your home’s interior beyond adding a bit of colour and life.

In addition to the beautiful colours, you’ll get to enjoy fresh home air with the best indoor plants in your home. Unfortunately, there are several myths surrounding indoor plants that might deter you from investing in them for your home’s interior. The good news is that, as a smart homeowner, you’ll learn the truth about those myths and find the right indoor house plant for you.

Continue reading this article to learn more about the common myths surrounding indoor house plants today.

It’s Difficult to Keep Indoor Plants Alive

One of the biggest criticisms when it comes to indoor plants is that you need to have a green thumb to keep your plants alive and thriving. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Tons of great indoor plants will add a nice touch to your home and that require minimal work to keep alive.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to keeping your plants alive is understanding the things your plants need to survive and thrive. Each type of plant requires different care requirements for it to stay healthy. It is on you to research to learn about what your plants need to stay alive.

Investing in an indoor plant guide is always a good idea. A good plant guide will tell you all about your different indoor plant options. You’ll find plants that are easy to take care of in a variety of living conditions.

You Need to Water Your Indoor Plants Every Week

Another myth when it comes to indoor plants is that you need to water them every week. You shouldn’t water your plants on a regular schedule for many reasons. Each type of plant requires a different amount of water to stay healthy. Some plants require vastly less water than others.

Some plants, like succulents, require minimal water and care to stay alive. Other plants require a more consistent level of watering.

The most important sign of when to water your best home plants is to monitor their status. Your plants will tell you when it is time to water them again. You can still use the schedule of checking once a week to see if your plants need water. Do this by checking the soil for moisture. You can buy moisture readers at most nurseries and hardware stores.

If the soil for your plant is still moist then that plant doesn’t need any more water. If you water the plant when the soil is still moist then it could cause the plant’s roots to rot which will kill your plants. Don’t overwater your plants.

You Need a Big Pot to Help Your Plant Grow

It might seem tempting to give in to the logic or the thought that your new indoor plant needs a big pot in order to grow larger. This is a massive mistake for a number of reasons. Plants don’t do well with massive amounts of space. They’ll struggle to get the amount of water and nutrients that they need to continue growing.

Instead, you should try to find a pot that is sized at a nice medium where your plant will have room to grow and spread its roots without being dwarfed by the amount of soil it is planted in. Using too large of a pot for your indoor plants will keep the roots from collecting all of the water that you add to the pot.

Additionally, the large amount of soil will hold water for much longer than your plant needs. This build up of water will cause the roots to start rotting if you water your plant on a consistent basis. Putting your plants in large pots is a definite way to keep them from growing and remaining healthy.

Water Your Indoor Plants When They Start Wilting

It is natural to want to water your indoor plants when you see that the leaves are starting to wilt. Try your best to avoid this mistake as it will have a negative effect on your plant’s health. You’ll think that your plant looks sad and unhealthy if it is wilting. Although, some plants do indeed start to wilt due to a lack of water, like Peace Lillies, which is when you need to water them.

Other plants will start to wilt due to other factors. The best way to discover the cause of your plant wilting is to do an inspection of the plant and its pot. Make sure to check whether or not your plant is getting enough light on a daily basis. You should also inspect the plant and the soil for bugs (like Gnats) or mould.

Another reason that your indoor home plant is wilting is that it has received too much water. Make sure to conduct a thorough examination before you start adding more water to your plant since that could lead to more damage.

Your Indoor Plant Needs More Sunlight

Another misconception with indoor plants is that they need a ton of sunlight. Some plants do better when they have lots of sunlight but that isn’t always the case. Most indoor plants actually prefer to get less sunlight. This is why they do so well as indoor plants.

Some plants will even suffer from sunburn as a result of getting too much sun exposure. If this is the case with your plant then you should try to move it further away from the window. If that isn’t an option, then you should consider providing shade with window furnishings that will help to protect it.

Decorate Your Home With the Best Indoor Plants

Getting an indoor plant is a great way to spruce up your interior while adding cleaner air and life to your interior space. There are certain things that you should remember with your indoor plants, like how often to water them and how much sunlight they need. Knowing how to take care of your plants will make for a pleasant experience for everyone involved.

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