Dental health during pregnancy

I have been quite fortunate to have good teeth, especially through my three pregnancies. Some of my friends haven’t been so luck and have needed fillings, extractions or had to wait and put up with tooth pain until after the baby was born to have work done which wasn’t safe to do while pregnant.
Because I didn’t have any issues during my pregnancies, I was quite surprised how many of my friends had dental problems during theirs. So I decided to look into it.
So what can you do to help curb dental problems before and after pregnancy?
Here is some advice from the ADA (Australian Dental Association):

Visiting the dentist
If you’re planning on becoming pregnant it’s important to visit your Dentist in Ballwin and have a check-up. Routine dental treatment is safe during pregnancy.
If you are already pregnant, don’t avoid visiting the dentist. It’s important to check that your teeth and gums are healthy.
Ensure you advise your dentist that you are pregnant when scheduling your appointment. Your dentist may recommend a dental check-up during your second trimester. That’s because morning sickness has usually subsided in most women.
Food cravings
It’s not unusual to experience food cravings and even food aversions when you’re pregnant. If your craving is for sugary snacks, you may increase your risk of tooth decay. As much as possible, try to snack on low sugar foods. If only sweet snacks will satisfy your craving, try to choose some healthier options such as fresh fruits and yoghurts. Ideally, consume your snacks as close as possible to meal times and brush your teeth after each meal if your sugar intake has been high. If you consume sweet snacks outside of meal times, try to rinse your mouth by drinking water or milk, which can help wash away decay causing sugars from your teeth.
Morning sickness and reflux
It is estimated that 80 percent of pregnant women will experience some form ofmorning sickness during their pregnancy.
Looking after your teeth might be the last thing on your mind while in the throes of morning sickness. However, doing so can help prevent longer term problems with your teeth.
If you are vomiting or experiencing reflux on a regular basis, your teeth will be exposed to strong stomach acids, which can cause dental erosion.
To help minimise the risk of erosion and decay try the following:
Don’t brush your teeth immediately after vomiting. Strong stomach acids can soften your tooth enamel and the vigorous action of the toothbrush may scratch the tooth enamel, leading to further damage. Wait at least an hour after vomiting before brushing your teeth.
Rinse your mouth with water (preferably fluoridated tap water) after vomiting, which will assist in removing acids
You can lightly smear fluoride toothpaste on your teeth. Alternatively, rinse with an alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash, which will help to provide additional protection against stomach acids
Your dentist can provide further information and individualised advice
Gagging while brushing teeth
If you find that brushing your teeth, particularly your molars, causes you to gag, try the following:
Try a different flavour of fluoridated toothpaste
Use a toothbrush with a small head, such as a one for toddlers
Take your time. Slow down your brushing action
Try closing your eyes and concentrate on your breathing
You influence your baby’s chances of dental decay
Research has found that the state of a mother’s oral health can have an influence on the future oral health of her child.
You are the most influential role model in the development of your child’s good oral health behaviours. Maintaining your own good oral health reduces the risk of tooth decay in your child.
Gum disease (Gingivitis and Periodontitis)
During pregnancy your gums can become more sensitive to bacterial irritation and inflammation according to this dentist who does dental implants in Chesapeake. This is because increased levels of hormones can exaggerate the manner in which your gums react to the bacterial irritants found in plaque.
Inflammation affecting your gums is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is more likely to occur during the second trimester. Signs include redness, bleeding and swelling of the gums particularly during brushing and flossing your teeth. Gingivitis can usually be treated with brushing and flossing.
Infection of the deeper gum tissue around the tooth is known as periodontitis. If periodontitis develops, your gums and teeth will be left with permanent damage and you may even suffer tooth loss.
Pregnancy may exacerbate periodontitis, and there is a link between periodontitis and premature birth and low birth weight babies.
It is therefore essential to practise good oral hygiene before, during and after pregnancy.
It is important to see your dentist regularly for individualised advice.
For healthy teeth you need to:
Brush twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste
Floss daily
Have regular dental check-ups especially when you are pregnant
Follow a healthy diet
Drink plenty of tap water
Reduce your intake of sugary drinks and food

Snack on healthy food

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