Embrace Your Inner Beauty Queen
Do you ever have those days where your hair is perfect, your skin looks amazing, your figure seems to be curving in all the right places, and you think ‘damn, I look good today?!’. We all have them, and we all know how rare those days are. Most days we look in the mirror with mascara under our eyes because we couldn’t be bothered to take our make up off, hair that just won’t go into a nice messy bun, so it looks like a really messy bun, and an outfit that just doesn’t seem to fit. Well, the thing is, on the days we think we don’t like the best, it’s all down to personal perception. If you love yourself and embrace your inner beauty queen, you’ll be saying ‘Damn I look good’ more often. Here’s how you can embrace your inner beauty queen.
Glam Day
First, you need to have an all out glam day. One that makes you feel totally brand new. This is our advice for the perfect glam day. The main event is the face, so a facial would be the best thing for you. It’ll leave your skin feeling soft and rejuvenated for days, plus it’s nice to get a little massage with it! Then you need to think about other beauty treatments. Most people go to have their brows and eyelashes done every few weeks, but you could consider a semi permanent tattoo for the eyebrows. It’ll save you loads of money, and if done right it looks amazing. Individual eyelashes are taking the world by storm as well at the moment. They’re semi-permanent, and you’d need to have them filled in every two weeks or so. But they give you that false eyelash amazing look 24/7. You won’t truly realise how amazing fresh brows and lashes can make you feel until you give it a try.
Daily Routine
A daily routine is essential. One of the main reasons why our skin looks so dry, tired, oily, spotty, whatever yours may be prone to, is because we aren’t caring for our skin correctly. First, have an experiment and find out what works for you regarding products. Then find a routine that you can get into. A daily cleanse is essential, both day and night to make sure you’re keeping the skin clean. A face mask at least once a week will keep your skin looking bright and pure. Then getting enough sleep is the final step and one that a lot of us often miss out.
Finally, have some confidence in yourself! The lower you think of yourself, the worse you’re going to believe you look. Love the skin you’re in and feel amazing every day. It is one of the key points in releasing your inner beauty queen. If you have imperfections that you’ve always hated, learn to love them and, you’ll love yourself even more.