WSS Christmas gift ideas: Eurotrike



mum eurotrike

With Christmas coming up very quickly, it is time to start thinking of what to get the little ones. I always find it incredibly hard to buy for toddlers, as by their first birthday, they already have mountains of toys and soft toys.

A product which really caught my eye is the Eurotrike Ultima Plus trike. I saw this on Channel 10 last Monday morning and I love how the trike grows with your child and will last until the child is ready for a big kid bike.

Eurotrike incorporates parent friendly features on the trike to make your child’s first riding experiences safe and fun and with unsurpassed quality which will last and last allowing it to be handed onto the next budding biker in the family. This trike also comes available in purple for the girls too!

ultima plus trike

As you can see from the top picture, the Ultima Plus Trike starts off as a stroller type trike, which Mum/Dad/caregiver controls, through to the child controlling the bike and pedalling for themselves (above).

I love how the Eurotrike comes with a three point harness on the seat (which you can remove later).

If you have a toddler who hates sitting still for two seconds (my three boys were Houdini’s in their prams and strollers. They would have won awards for the amazing ways they could escape from any pram or stroller we had), the Eurotrike managed to keep them occupied while I headed out for my walk, do the shopping etc. How great would the trike be for going to zoo or park? The canopy makes the Eurotrike sun smart too, which is an essential in Australia’s climate.

ultima girl

Another bonus of the Eurotrike is it helps families get outdoors and encourages the child from a young age to spend time outdoors and have some incidental exercise. I am a big supporter of getting my kids outdoors and the Eurotrike made it so much easier.

For parents who have two little ones, the Eurortike Tandem Trike is the one for your kids! Perfect for 2 children to interact and play together or just as much fun for one junior in a make believe world of imagination (maybe teddy wants to go for a ride?).

My other two kids used to take turns in riding a trike with a trailer attached to the back around the backyard, it was quite cute. As well as helping their motor skills, they learnt about sharing and taking turns. The Eurotrike Tandem Trike makes it so much easier to take them to the park and shops instead of taking a pram and a stroller or a pram and a toddler on the loose!  My kids absolutely loved the Tandem Trike and it was almost impossible to tear them away from it.

tandem trike

I bought the Fire Tandem for them and they just love it! They have been pretending to be fire fighters to rescue their own toys from “fire” and my older son has been bugging me to buy him a fireman outfit to match the trike! There are other designs like the Police and Princess Tandem trike also available for pretend play.

Tandem trike is the only 2 seater trike I could find in the shops. One great thing I found out from the website is that Eurotrike have replacement parts which are easily available directly from them. Especially if you have used the trike for one child and want to set it up for the next child and can’t find the original baby fittings (believe me, it is easy to do!).

I bought this from Toys’R’Us. No doubt your kids will enjoy it as much as mine did!

For more information, check out the Eurotrike website:


#SP This was a sponsored post in conjunction with Eurotrike as per our Disclosure Policy

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