Five Amazing Life Hacks That All Busy Mums Need To Know


When you are a busy parent, life can just take over. If you’re not running the kids from one after-school class to another, then you are doing chores, doing work, or trying to squeeze in some exercise. All that on top of trying to take care of a home and keep it all in order. So if you are looking for ways to make life a little more simple, then there are some hacks that you need in your life. Here are a few that are perfect for busy parents, especially Mums.


Prepare Your Meals in Advance

When you have got several kids, a job, a home and a husband, how many of us have time to spend hours making dinner in the kitchen? So making a meal plan, and planning out the week accordingly will really help to save time, as well as money. If you can make a meal last for two, then you are winning at life. You could also make double and freeze half, to have another week.

Shopping Online

If you have a toddler and have ever tried to go to the shopping mall with them, I’m sure you will be scarred for life. So shopping online will become your new best friend. The great thing is that you can buy pretty much anything online. From your groceries to clothing, as well as essentials for the home. You can buy your cleaning products online, as well as order in new appliances and devices. Need a new toaster? Buy it online. Need a new home security system? Then you can even buy your CCTV online. It also saves you if you are a little scatterbrained. Need to order something and worried you will forget? Just order it right there and then from your smartphone.


Wash Your Laundry on Cold

How many of us are doing loads of laundry every single day? If you combine all of your clothing piles and use a cold wash, then it can all go in at once. As the water temperature is cold, the colours don’t run. Sadly, there is no hack for making folding and putting laundry away any easier.

Prepare the Night Before

Is getting the kids to school on time always such a rush? Then plan outfits and school uniforms the day before. Make sure it is all ironed, clean, and laid out. Then all you need to do is to put it on. Getting your children in on it will help too. Have them lay out the clothes or uniform that they will be wearing. It might even encourage your children to put their clothes on themselves!

Buy in Bulk

Whatever you are buying, always buy at least one more than you need. If it is a grocery item, it can just be stored away until you need it. Things like baby wipes can always be used at some point. If you are buying a gift for a friend or one of the child’s friends, then buy another. You know there will be another friend’s birthday coming up at some point.

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