Getting Your Mojo Back: 4 Ways To Restore Your Self-Esteem
Being truly confident in who you are is a lot more complicated than a lot of people understand, especially in today’s social media-obsessed world. Life nowadays is all about trying to impress other people, and trying to convince our friends (and followers) that we are as happy as they look in all of their pictures (even though we are aware that no one is that happy all the time).
Basically, it is almost impossible to feel good about yourself when you are wandering about a society that seems so hellbent on telling you that you’re not enough; not pretty enough, not slim enough, not rich enough, stylish, happy and anything else they can focus on.
That is why we have spoken to a few people about this. People that took a serious knock and still managed to come through the other side, smiling and brimming with self-confidence. And here are some of their top tips to help you do the same:
- Positive People Only
It can be one of the hardest things to do, but anyone that isn’t a positive influence on your life needs to go. Friends, family, colleagues, pets, anyone. It doesn’t matter what their reasons are or what area of who you are they focus on if they aren’t making you feel the best you can possibly feel then say bye-bye. You only get one shot at life and you deserve to feel as great as you can, and that can only be achieved by surrounding yourself with positive people.
- Try Anything That Makes You Feel Gorgeous
One of the biggest factors that affect our self-confidence is our appearance. That isn’t a shallow statement either. When you look good, you feel good. So if it makes you look good why not run with it. There is nothing wrong with going to Care Family Dental to get your teeth whitened if that helps you feel confident, in the same way, that getting a new haircut at Edwards and Co. isn’t wrong. We all deserve to look our best, just make sure you are doing it for the mirror and not someone else. Confidence comes from within, remember that. Enhancing your smile can go a long way to boosting your confidence so don’t hesitate to head over to South Barrington Dental Care to explore their treatment options.
- Write Down Your Gratitude
The reason you’ve heard this one is because it has been floated around for years now. It has become a cliche. What you may not know, however, is that it’s celebrated by those that have become experts in self-love. Life gets on top of us all. That is a fact. But the best way to fight back is to have a gratitude journal and make a visual list of all the things you are grateful for. This will serve as a reminder of how lucky you are. No matter what is going on in your life, we all have things we should be grateful for.
- Something You Admire About Yourself
One of the things we all do when we are low on self-esteem is start zeroing in on our perceived flaws. When we look in the mirror we focus on the things we are most unhappy about in terms of our appearance. Knowing this, maybe it is time we started to focus on those things we like and, yes, we all have something we like about ourselves. This will help us rebuild our confidence. Eyes, lips, hair, cheekbones, bubbly spirit; anything. What this will do is lift our whole mood and restore that smile.