Getting Things Done


to do list

While most New Year resolutions don’t last, becoming motivated to getting things done seems to hit its peak at this time of year.

Did you know most people get to work and get things they haven’t found time to do throughout the rest of the year done in the New Year?

Clearing out the garage, getting the car serviced, those odd jobs around the house. All those things we never quite find the right time to do until it becomes a massive task.

For us it was cleaning out the garage, taking things to the tip and selling the old things we didn’t need.

The New Year is the time for Aussies to take action on their top projects and Yellow Pages has revealed which jobs we like to get out of the way at the start of the year.

Yellow Pages has unlocked its online data to uncover what people are most likely to be doing this New Year. While summer is the ideal holiday season, it seems Aussies are instead using their time off to get prepared for the year ahead.

Such as getting the air conditioner serviced or having one installed, because we’ve had a few hot days and forgotten how hot the house becomes.


Yellow Pages has found there are 144 per cent more searches for air conditioner installation and services throughout January, compared to the annual average and we can see why! A few days of 40 degree heat and the house becomes unbearable to be in.

How many of us have put off getting that scratch in our car’s paintwork repaired or replace that broken or faulty indicator light?

I had a large scratch on the side of my car, which I have been putting off getting fixed for over six months, as I use my car every day during the year. It is a lot easier getting it done while everyone has time off in our house.

January seems the right time of year to get those small things done to our cars, with the highest searches for motor engineers, panel beaters and auto parts recyclers happening at this time of year.


Of course, you can’t start off the New Year without a “new you” mantra and more people will be seeking to look after themselves, with 22 per cent more searches for hairdressers during January. With having time off work, it is the ideal time to get your hair pampered before going back to work.

How long have you been putting up with that stiff neck or back? Or that pain in your foot?


It’s also a popular time to get your health in check, with 17 per cent more searches for chiropractors and 23 per cent more searches for podiatrists.

What have you been putting off that you want to get done in January?

To start ticking things off your list, start your New Year’s resolution planning at Yellow Pages



#SP This was a sponsored post in conjunction with Yellow Pages as per our Disclosure Policy

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