Looking to start an online business?

If you are thinking of starting an online business, there a lot of things to consider.

Start up costs, sourcing merchandise, business and marketing plans, it takes a lot to get an online business off the ground and it can take between 6 months – years before you can start generating any income online, if you don’t know what you are doing.

However, with the right know how from someone who has already been through the ups and downs of running an online business. The guessing game element is somewhat taken away from the start. 

So where would one get invaluable advice to starting and running an online business from someone who has already done all of it before?

Tanya Williams has written an ebook, “The Trantrums and Tiaras of an online fashion store” covering this very topic and gives great insight into the in and outs of running an online business.

Tanya runs the incredibly successful online shoe store, Princess Chic and has a wealth of experience and know how in marketing and digital marketing

Tanya says:

“Running a business is like a rollercoaster – extreme highs, extreme lows and lots of in betweens. I must say I have never worked so hard in my life. I have had many days of sitting at my desk at 6am or still working at 10pm to meet a deadline. There have been tears, tantrums (and tiaras), laughter, excitement and exhileration. It is something you are never fully prepared for and if you know that going in, it will bode you well for your future in business.

As a business owner you will wear many hats – web designer, secretary, PR agent, marketer, accountant (well my husband wears that hat), networker, brand manager, human resources manager, event manager, salesperson……… the list is endless. You have to deal with absolutely everything. After all this is your baby and no one has the same passion for it like you do.

I wish there had’ve been a book for me to read when I started Princess Chic. There are many mistakes I wish I didn’t make but that is all part of the learning experience which will usually serve you well in future dealings. I certainly have experienced some challenging issues dealing with Asian suppliers and I am going to share some of these experiences with you throughout the book.

I have learnt many things about running my own online business over the past 5 years. Hindsight is a great things and I wish someone had’ve shared their experiences and wisdom with me before I started. That knowledge would’ve saved me a lot of money, time and heartache. You can always learn from others and I am still learning to do this day

This is what prompted me to write this book. I wanted to share my experiences and those of some fellow online entrepreneurs. The information is designed to help guide you through the minefield of information you will be bombarded with. Don’t be discouraged but be prepared. Running a business (yes even online) is not a Monday to Friday 9-5 job so start with your eyes open.

I hope you enjoy reading about our experience with starting and running an online fashion business. Remember everyone has different experiences so that doesn’t mean you will experience the same. I hope you learn something from it and maybe don’t make some of the mistakes we have. Good luck!

Think of this book as your own mentor to help guide you through those times you need advice and maybe a shoulder to cry on. I know what you are going through as chances are I have been through it already.

Much of the information contained in this book applies to any type of business so don’t think you wont get a tonne of useful information from it if you don’t want to start an online fashion business.”

Tanya is kindly offering the first 20 Mummy of Style and Substance readers $10 off the RRP of her ebook, The Tantrums and Tiaras of an online fashion store. So now you can purchase it for $19.95! Rather cheap business advice, isn’t it? 
The code you will need for the discount is: K8390SVD
So what are you waiting for? Download it now (click the link below)
*I was gifted a copy of the ebook and shoes for this post as per our Disclosure Policy

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