Love Drives


mazda 6

I was never really a ‘car person’ before I bought my Mazda 6 eighteen months ago. Now, I must say, I love going for long drives.

The warm sun coming through the windows, the beautiful scenery, a smooth ride and my Bose sound system set the mood for an enjoyable day out.

morning sunrise

Last week we decided to head down to Lorne for a day out. As we headed off on our adventure, the sunrise gave us a gorgeous greeting to our day.

We headed through Werribee and onto the Princes Freeway, the traffic was flowing freely much like our spirits were.

We headed into Torquay and had a look around the surf shops (the eldest loves surfing and the two youngest only wear surf brands like their older brother).

rip curl

After looking around the surf shops, we decided to have fish & chips on the beach for lunch. The boys loved it!

torquay beach

With tummies full we headed back onto the Great Ocean Road. It is such a beautiful drive. Well apart from the “Are we there yet?” “How much further?” “What is the next town?” “How many towns to go?”. In the end I gave them my mobile phone with google maps running on it and they could see exactly where we were and how far it was to Lorne. As well as keeping them quiet, I think it was quite interesting and maybe somewhat educational for them.


 A quick stop to take a picture of the Great Ocean Road bridge and memorial plaque.

Image_GreatOceanRoad_SignHeading towards Lorne. Nearly there!

 So we head on into Lorne and it is one of the loveliest towns in Victoria. The Lorne Hotel has fantastic food and amazing views across the water. Just stunning.


 After grabbing an ice cream each and some drinks, we headed out onto the Lorne Pier. Every year there is a world famous Pier to Pub surf swim in January and is 1200 metres in length. The boys said they could easily do that. Yeah, right! At 9 and 11 they have trouble swimming 50 metres. I had to explain it was twenty four times the length of the 50 metre pool they swim at, to which I received “ooooh” as a response. It’s funny when explaining to kids how far something is, they don’t comprehend distance very well.

So after a beautiful day out, we headed back home. The little two even fell asleep in the car on the way home. Ahhh peace!

If you love going for family driving days out, you might want to join the Shell Love Drives website. I did and you can see our drive here.

LoVe Drives is an online community where you can share the drives you love and explore other people’s favourite Australian road trips.

To celebrate the Shell Love Drives launch, Shell are giving away  eighteen $100 fuel vouchers, with 3 lucky winners announced weekly, and the chance to win one of four $2000  travel vouchers.*


All you need to do to enter is to upload and share a drive you love. Map out the route then add photos, videos and comments along the way to improve your chances of winning. Easy!

So hurry and get your entry in for the next draw. Competition   closes Monday April 28.

#This post was a sponsored post in accordance to our Disclosure Policy.

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