How To Make A Designer Inspired Lamp for $20

2016-08-10 21.02.53

I love flicking though home design and interior magazines for inspiration on what I can do with our home. Last week, I came across a kids bedroom that looked similar to my youngest son’s room. Similar bed and bedside table but I spotted the really cool industrial style bracket lamp hanging above the bedside table. Upon closer inspection of the article, the lamp was priced at over $200. Yes, really! What the?

I thought “Surely there must be a way I can buy one cheaper than $200?” so I got on google and did a quick search, which resulting in finding even more expensive lamps. Don’t get me wrong, I love design but $200+ for a lamp for a child’s bedroom is a tad ridiculous.

As the child grows, their likes and needs change and so do their bedroom styles, which is why I don’t believe in spending a lot on their bedrooms. You can definitely have a stylish and designer style look on a budget!

Then an idea hit me. It wouldn’t be hard to make, would it? Really, it’s only a wooden bracket with a cord lamp attached to it. Another Google search for a wood bracket came up with a $5 wooden bracket from Ikea. I recalled seeing the plug in lamps at Kmart, which are only $15.

We think it matches in well with his Amart bed and Matt Blatt Replica Anna Castelli Ferrieri Componibili bedside table. Don’t you think?

2016-08-10 21.02.53You will need:

Plug in lamp  

Wooden wall bracket (the Ikea brackets come with screws)

 Light bulb

  1. There are a few different ways you can add the lamp onto the bracket; the first is to just wrap the cord around the bracket (like below, left), the second is to cut a notch out to thread the cord through or you can drill a bigger screw hole and thread the cord through both of the top screw holes (like I did). It really depends on the look you are going for. DIY industrial style bracket lamp
  2. To thread the cord through the bracket’s screw holes, you will need to unscrew the plug and disconnect it from the cord, thread the cord through the bracket and rewire the plug back onto the cord.

Note: depending on your state you may need a certified appliance/electrical technician to reattached the plug, as it is illegal to do it yourself (which is silly for such an easy thing to do but nanny states and all, you know? Thankfully it is legal in Victoria to do so).


So, there you have it. An easy and cheap way to make an industrial style, designer inspired bracket lamp. What do you think?

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