Make Your Home More Appealing To Buyers


If you have decided that the time has come to sell your home, you most probably want to get it sold as quickly as possible. This is especially true if you have already found a new place to move into.

However, when it comes to selling your home, a quick sale isn’t always guaranteed, nor is a good price. To help make your property sell more quickly and go for a higher price, there are some things that you can do.

Intrigued? Yes – then make sure to keep reading below, for all our top tips for making your property more appealing.


Drummoyne front exterior after-resize

Smarten up the exterior

Before they’ve even stepped foot through the door, potential buyers will be forming opinions about your home. In the first 15 seconds of seeing it, buyers will decide whether they like your property, so the outside needs to be pretty special.

Buyers will look out for a neat garden and a good finish on the exterior of your home. A dirty or stained paint job will put buyers off, so ensuring that your home’s exterior is of a high-quality is important.


Decorate in neutrals

The chances are that buyers won’t have the same taste in decor as you, so the best option is opting for neutral decor. This will not only make your property more appealing to them, but it should also make it easier for them to see the potential of the space.


Make the property eco-friendly

Today, one thing that many buyers look for when investing in property is a place that’s eco-friendly. If your home isn’t already green, consider updating it to change that.

Simple updates, like swapping old appliances for newer, more energy efficient ones are ideal. If you have air conditioning in your home, it might be a good idea to make this more eco-friendly as well.

While they keep your house cool, air conditioners use up a lot of energy. However, if you swap your old machine for a newer one, you can reduce the amount of energy that is used. For the best eco-friendly devices, check out this range of air conditioners and make the switch.

Making your property more eco-friendly may be a little pricey, but it’s definitely worth the cost. As not only will it make it more appealing to buyers, but it will also add value.


Repair any faults

While potential buyers are prepared to redecorate to make the property their own, they won’t be happy to deal with any faults. That’s why, before you start showing your home, it’s important to fix any problems.

Any issues that potential buyers see will not only put them off but could lead to lower offers on your home. If you want to get the full asking price for your property, there can’t be any problems to put buyers off. Even something as simple as fixing a cracked bathroom tile or a broken door handle can make a big difference.

Making your home more appealing to buyers is much easier than you would think, all you have to do is take note of the ideas, above.


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