A Guide to Becoming the Ultimate Host to Your Guests

Friends Having Lunch Together At Home

If you love to have people visit you at your home, it makes sense to be a good host to them. If you’re a good host, they’ll want to visit you again and again. If you’re not a good host, they might think twice about coming next time. Whether you’re making them dinner or simply having a quick catch up, this guide will help you to become the ultimate host to your guests.


Take Their Coats

A guest will never put their coat down as neatly as you. They’ll likely hang it on the back of their chair, but that just looks messy, doesn’t it? Take their coat and hang it up safe for them, either in another room or in the coat room. Do this right after you’ve greeted them – it’s how all great hosts start out!


Offer Them a Drink

Even if you’re just having a friend over for a quick catch up, offer them a drink. Make sure you always have a selection of drinks available to suit each guest. Coffee, tea, and even some alcoholic beverages. You can get alcohol delivered right to your door with the help of Kent St Cellars if you’re running low on stock!


Offer a Light Snack or Treat

It’s always nice to offer your guests a light snack or treat. If you have cakes, brownies, or a sweet treat like that, you could serve it with a cup of tea. Alternatively, you could make them a sandwich or another small meal.


Limit Invitations

If you’re having a few friends over for a catch up, make sure you limit the invitations. This will mean you don’t have too many people to entertain. Inviting too many people can leave you feeling overwhelmed and your guests a little neglected.


Let Them Know if They Should Bring Anything

If your guests need to bring anything along with them, such as a bottle to drink, let them know. They will more than likely be happy to turn up with something useful as they appreciate you being a host. Some people think it’s rude, but it helps to lighten your load and they shouldn’t mind at all if they appreciate your invite.


Consider Lifts Home in Advance

If you know it’s likely your guests will stay a while, consider lifts home in advance. If they have their own car, that’s great. However, you need to factor in the idea that they might drink a little alcohol. Will you need to call taxis to ensure you have nobody sleeping on your floor when the night is over? You know everybody will leave before it’s time for you to go to bed this way too.

Whether you’re having a full on party or just a few people over for coffee, these tips will help to ensure you’re the ultimate host to them. In no time at all they’ll begin comparing you to ‘Friends’ character, Monica. Then you know you’ve made it! Leave any tips of your own below!

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