Making It Through Covid-19 Lockdown

As per Mr Andrews “roadmap” it looks like we are in for another six few weeks of lockdown. The shops, and life in general, won’t be open up until the 5th November (all being well).

 As someone who struggles with anxiety (which can progress into depression), I need to be constantly busy. I know people will say “But you should be focusing on surviving” (we’ve all seen that on social media, right?) but, as the professionals will tell you, the best thing you can do when you have mental health issues is to keep busy I’ve shared what I’m going to get up to over the next 6 weeks and hopefully, it can help you with some ideas too.

Starting with:


You may have seen on Instagram, I started painting our house last year. I finished the kitchen and dining room and half of the laundry (midway through realised it wasn’t the right colour for the room, so I haven’t gone back to it yet). I was going to use Dulux Hog Bristle throughout the house but I think for the brighter rooms (bathroom, laundry and toilet), I’ll use half or quarter strength, as the full strength looked like a peachy cream shade, as opposed to the light greige shade it throws in the darker rooms of the house (which is the shade I was wanting). I’ve also finished Mr 16’s bedroom and made over our guest bedroom.

There’s still a few rooms to redo such as the laundry, the main bedroom and our front living room/ parents retreat which is basically a room we don’t use but needs a revamp, then it will be more appealing to use (hopefully). I also need to paint my office and rumpus room.

I’ve also got a few pieces of furniture to upcycle. Like the TV unit and our bedroom suite (both are oranged pine pieces).

Outside, I have to re-stain our wooden outdoor setting before we can have family BBQs in Summer and spray paint a metal three piece table and chair set that has weathered.

We are also re-landscaping some of the backyard with pine retainer walls, a vegetable garden and new plantings.

I have plenty more I want to do around the house and want to share with you but I might list it all in a separate post.

Vision Board 2.0

OK, so to some people a vision or mood board might be a tad woo woo or hippy dippy, and as someone who vehemently believes in science and actualities (and not things like crystals and oils), I would usually tend to agree with them.

However, I strongly believe in manifestation. I’m not sure if you subconsciously make these things happen but it does work. I’ve been doing it for years and too many successful people have shown how it works for them, so it has to have some merit.

Designers and the like use mood boards for bringing together a concept, so it makes sense to use one for your life, doesn’t it?

I haven’t had time to do one this year, which is kind of ironic. Not that it really matters anyway, considering how things have gone this year. Hopefully, the next 12 months are a lot more opportunistic.

When you create a vision board and place it in a space where you see it often (mine is on the wall behind my desk), you essentially end up doing quick visualisation exercises every time you look at it.

I’ll share a post next week on how to put together your own vision board.


This is the perfect time to do an online course or some reading to upskill your existing skills.

Maybe you want to learn how to use social media, do your tax, learn to cook a particular dish or even baking, flower arranging etc. Basically, anything you want to learn how to do, you should go for it.

Hopefully, we’ve given you a few ideas on what you can get up to, while not being able to live our usual lives.

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