Five Male Grooming Items Your Man Should Be Holding Near

grooming routine Alright, it’s 2014. If your man still looks like the Yeti’s long lost nephew we’ve got some serious problems. The good news is there is a solution. With online outlets such as Uppercut Deluxe offering a range of premium male grooming options, your man really doesn’t have an excuse to take the Tom Hanks from Castaway approach to personal grooming. So before he embraces his inner caveman maybe make a subtle hint and show him this list of five items every man should be holding near.


First impressions count, and if your man is smelling anything short of fantastic you’ve got yourself a big problem. Antiperspirant deodorants are great for working through the day to day grind but when the two of you are hitting the town your man’s cologne really should be making a statement. Don’t let that statement be, I use the same deodorant 13 year old boys use. Splash out for a nice cologne and reap the many benefits. Consider it an investment for your nose and social life.

Styling Products

The werewolf looks is out and a cleaner, closely cropped style is coming back in. Make your man aware of this and instruct him to tailor his hair accordingly. Whether he’s rocking a short back and sides or something a little bit longer, the right amount of pomade, wax or hair get becomes an essential part of any man’s personal grooming arsenal and can really turn an ordinary haircut into an extraordinary look.

Shampoo & Conditioner

Personal hygiene is not going to go out of fashion any time soon. Dandruff hasn’t been in since the 1500’s and hair lice are probably going to be out for at least another 60 years. With this in mind, make sure you man washes his hair! This seems like an obvious male grooming tip, but you’d be surprised at the sort of skimping a man will do if left to his own devices. A quick key area rinse is not enough.

Brushes & Combs

Again this is a simple personal grooming measure bit it has the potential to help transform your man from someone who looks like Tom Petty to someone who looks like Tom Cruise (before he became a bit of a weirdo). It will only take about 30 seconds but this small personal grooming measure can make a huge difference. Make sure your gentleman has a little comb handy for any on-the-go adjustments.

Shaving Products

This is another personal grooming investment that has the potential to make a huge treatment. Equip your man with superior shaving products to make sure he has clean, crisp, kissable cheeks. And remember, if his cheeks are stubbly, red and covered in a rash, you’re the one who’s going to have to pay the price. What do you think about these tips? Do you have any other personal grooming measures you’d suggest to the man in your life? Do you agree with all of our advice? Be sure to leave any questions, comments and suggestions below. And head online to check out a range of outlets offering premium male grooming products.

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