Medical must haves for families


With three boys in the house, I have to have a lot of medical products on hand for when the need arises. My poor youngest son takes after his mother and inherited my unco gene, which results in a lot of scrapes and cuts. It is always better to be over prepared than under prepared as a parent, as it is inevitable kids get injured and sick.

Here is my top 10 products to have on hand for the family:

Plastic strips and bandages: scrapes, cuts and abrasions need covering up to stop the open would from becoming dirty or infected. There is also a psychological thing with kids, where the wound stops hurting after applying a plastic strip.

Antiseptic cream and solution: so cuts and abrasions don’t get infected, it is best to apply some antiseptic cream on the wound or bathe the wound in antiseptic solution before applying a plastic strip or bandage.

Tweezers: splinters, bee stings, things stuck up noses…. It’s always a good idea to have a pair of tweezers on hand.

Pain relief: Personally, I think ibuprofen is the better pain relief for kids as it lasts a lot longer than other products like paracetemol. Once your child reaches seven years of age, you can go to the table form which is a lot cheaper than the liquid children’s formulation.combantrin

Worm medication: Worms are most active at night time and as most chemist’s close at 9PM, it is always a good idea to have some worm treatment like Combantrin on hand. Symptoms include restless sleep, irritability, loss of appetite, and an itchy bottom.

Worms are highly contagious and prevalent in kids who go to school, kinder or child care, so it is inevitable your child will get worms at some stage. Luckily, treatment is easy and kids see the chocolate squares as a bit of a treat (just make sure they are kept out of reach, so the kids aren’t tempted to eat Combantrin as a snack).

It is recommended you treat the whole family at the same time, so the family isn’t reinfected. Of course, if symptoms persist see your dr and only use as directed.

Fluid replacement products: definitely a must have in any household, as you never know when food poisoning or gastro will hit your family. The icy pole varieties are great for kids as they think they are having a treat and not a medicine.. Fluid replacement products are also great in summer or if the child has had a high temperature.

Anti-nausea and diarrhoea medication: Bauer make a brilliant product called Stomach Calm and it is safe to use on babies and little kids. Emetrol is great for vomiting and of course, Imodium* is essential for diarrhoea. If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea for longer than 24 hours, it is recommended you seek medical assistance and see your doctor. *for those aged 12 years or over.

Aloe Vera Gel: I always keep a container in the fridge as it is brilliant for sun burn, insect bites, rashes and burns.

Antihistimine: I always have phenerghan in the cupboard  for bad allergies, insect bites, sleeping issues or travel sickness. Also, good for calming kids down after they have injured themselves badly, as my middle son did once by closing his finger in a sliding door and nearly needing stiches.

Eucalyptus rub: some Vicks/ Euky Bear etc rub on the chest of kids can help with breathing difficulties associated with colds. Apparently, if rubbed on feet and socks placed on top, it can relieve coughing.

What else do you have in your medicine cabinet or you find essential to have on hand with kids?

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