No Garden? No Problem

Apartment living comes with its pitfalls but one of the biggest is the lack of outdoor space. There may be a roof terrace you can use, but it isn’t just the same as having a space you can run yourself. Thankfully, living in an apartment doesn’t stop you from growing flowers or vegetables. You don’t need an expanse of land and you don’t need to invest a lot of money just to grow vegetables.

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It may come as a shock to hear that a lot of fresh veggies can be grown with indoor greenhouse kits, meaning you can start your day right with perfectly organic foods you’ve grown yourself. Imagine waking up in the morning to the sounds of the traffic, and tending to your vegetable garden. Fruits and vegetables can really thrive in an urban space, even if you don’t believe it, and we’ve gathered info on some of the most popular fruits and vegetables that you can grow at home.

  1. Avocados: These popular vegetables do not take much to grow, all you need to grow one is another one! Remove and rinse the pit, push toothpicks into it and suspend it in a glass of cold water with the pointed side facing up. Place it in sunlight, so a warm windowsill, until you can see a brand-new tree growing. The rooted seed then needs to be planted in a new pot and left in a sunny space. Home grown avocados without much work!
  2. Herbs: You can buy pre-planted herbs in the supermarket, but herbs are the easiest plants to grow at home. Spices and herbs cost a lot of money at the shops sometimes, especially when the budget is tight. Growing your own is easy – all you need is a tiny bit of sunshine and regular watering.
  3. Garlic: One of the most used veggies in a recipe is garlic. Rich in flavour and popular, you can grow your own garlic greens in a pot in the kitchen. All you need is a garlic clove to start with and you can sprout your own bulbs from there.
  4. Tomatoes: Notoriously popular for a garden or a greenhouse, tomatoes can grow anywhere. You will need a lot of light for them, as they require a good bit of warmth to thrive. A large pot on a fire escape will do you well and you can watch them grow.
  5. Lemons: If you love having potted small trees in the house, growing lemons won’t be a problem for you. Meyer lemon trees can be grown in large pots, but only go this route if your living room or kitchen gets tons of sunlight. You need to be able to give them moist air and at least eight hours of sunlight a day.

Growing your own fruits and veggies at home is a necessity if you don’t have a backyard to use. You don’t have to be left out, especially if you have an abundance of light and warmth in your home to grow with!


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