Selling your iphone (I did and it’s easy!)


It was like one of those slow mo moments, I was juggling a bag of groceries, a paper bag of prescriptions from the chemist, my purse, keys and mobile phone while trying to get into the car… the latter fell from my overloaded grasp and fell to the bitumen car park beneath me….Nooooo! My lifeline and extension of my right hand now had a smashed screen. I almost cried!

After a few weeks of using it with a protective screen cover and outside cover, I had enough and ended up taking a new contract out for a new phone. This time a Samsung S2. From then on, my poor old iphone 4 sat in my desk drawer.

After a spring clean of the office, I thought “What is the use of my phone sitting in the drawer doing nothing, I could make some money from it on eBay”. So I plugged it in, saved my data and reset the phone. Which is quite easy once you know how.

With Apple announcing their new iPhone and savvy Australians ramping up to sell their old iPhone, eBay and CNET have teamed up to show you how to prepare yours ready to sell it. Australians have a whopping $15 million worth of old phones sitting in drawers etc. and with iPhone retaining their price on eBay, now couldn’t be a better time to sell yours.


And do you know what? I scored $150 for a broken iphone 4!  Nice little bit of extra cash for something that was just lying in my desk drawer, isn’t it?


*This post was sponsored. All opinions are my own as per our Disclosure Policy.

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