Be One Of The First People To See Zoolander Two.

zoolander two

In 2001, Derek Zoolander was the world’s top male supermodel. 15 years later, Derek (Ben Stiller), Hansel (Owen Wilson), and Mugatu (Will Ferrell) are back! This time, they will be joined by some really, really, ridiculously good-looking celebrities.

When the world’s most beautiful musical celebrities (like Justin Bieber) are systematically assassinated with formerly famous male model Derek Zoolander’s iconic “Blue Steel” look on their face, Interpol recruits Derek and his friend Hansel McDonald to infiltrate a new and different world of high fashion in order to put a stop to it. Meanwhile, Derek’s rival Jacobim Mugatu is set free and is seeking revenge.

If you want to be surrounded by Derek Zoolander and be one of the first to see Zoolander 2 in Australia, then be sure to get tickets to the Zoolander Fun Fan Event this AUSTRALIA DAY here

Zoolander 2 hits Australian cinemas on February 11, 2016.

Make sure to follow Derek on Instagram: @Zoolander





While you are waiting for the movie to be released, can you find the panda among the Derek Zoolanders? How long did it take you?


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