Take a break from cooking dinner



We’re all aware of the image of the perfect mum: she’s up at the crack of dawn whipping up nutritious breakfasts for the family, walking the dog, packing colourful, creative lunchboxes and getting the kids ready for the day. Then it’s off to work, putting out fires in the office, squeezing in some gym time at lunch, picking up groceries for dinner on the way home…all the while maintaining a smile, perfect hair and a cheerful can-do attitude.

That picture very rarely aligns with reality. Having a family and a job can mean periods of stress and exhaustion, and it can be a long, hard slog between much-needed holidays. That’s why it’s important to take tiny vacations wherever you can find them. Having a night off from cooking isn’t a failure: it’s intelligent (and sometimes necessary!)

Thanks to Menulog, it’s easy to treat yourself to a well-deserved break. Menulog lists over 4,200 takeaway restaurants throughout Australia, making it no. 1 for online takeaway. It’s convenient and only takes moments to use: you just enter your suburb, browse through the list of local restaurants that will deliver to your house and choose whatever you want to order. Once the order is placed, a confirmation text from the restaurant will let you know when you expect your meal.

There are restaurants from dozens of cuisines, meaning you can whisk yourself away to the tropical calm of a Thai beach or the ancient streets of Rome for the space of a meal. If you’re overwhelmed by the selection, reviews and ratings left by other customers are a handy guide to the speed, service and food of different restaurants. And with thousands of specials and discounts, ordering for the family can be just as cheap as cooking at home – with none of the stress.

#This is a sponsored post for Menulog as per our disclosure policy

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