
I will be the first to admit that I don’t ‘get’ the fascination with Twilight and all that goes with it. The whole phenomena is quite a worry really, especially Twimums… seriously? Ladies, if your 16 year old daughter is into something then you stay well clear of it. Scary! For your daughter… and the rest of us! Just saying!
I would rather this: Rowan Atkinson with Robert Pattinson in a vampire/ werewolf themed version of Black Adder.. yes!  

It would look something like this: 

In the meantime, I will be praying with Snow White:

Buuut… if you are someone inclined to be into Twilight and the whole vampirish  werewolves thing. We have a copy of “The Twilight Saga: The official illustrated guide” and newest book in the Sookie Stackhouse series,  Charlaine Harris’s “Dead Reckoning“. 

Now all you have to do to win this is try to convince me why should I get into Twilight in the comments below and Like us on Facebook and/ or if you are on Twitter tweet this “I’m trying to convince Kellie to get into Twilight so I can win some bloody books” 

Good Luck! Competition closes 10pm on the 29th Jan. 


  • Anna

    Cute post – I agree with you regarding Twilight, although I must admit I have watched the movies (on DVD). I don’t think they are anything special (for a vampire fix I prefer True Blood) but I just don’t like missing out 😉

  • Maria V

    I don’t get Twilight either… me and my man laughed during the movie (No 1). It’s so silly I can’t believe it LOL Never watched the rest.

  • Norlin

    Well whilst it is about vampires & werewolves on the outside, I think the appeal to those who have read them is that it’s more a love story. So if you’re into romance novels then yes go for it. It’s the unrealistic forever true love thing that I guess give women & girls that sense of escape from reality. 😉

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