Use These Handy Tips to Make Your Furniture Last Longer
When you move into a new home, you can spend a long time choosing just the right pieces of furniture. You pick out the exact ones that match each other and fulfill your vision of what your home should be. It would be amazing if that furniture could last forever, but you know that it won’t. You can, however, make it last longer, by taking proper care of it. Whether you have upholstered wooden chairs or a glass-topped table, looking after them in the correct way can extend their lives. And even once they’ve deteriorated significantly, you can restore them to their former glory.
Choose the Right Furniture
The first step to keeping your furniture looking new is to pick the right pieces. While cheap and efficient items from stores are useful, they won’t last a long time. If you want to buy furniture that you can take with you from home to home, and still own in a few decades, you need to invest. Think about putting your money into fewer, higher quality pieces. However, if you want to save money, you could also look at cheap but durable materials. You may be able to buy an affordable sofa with a cover that will withstand a lot, or that you can easily replace.
Use the Best Cleaning Methods
You need to consider the material of each of your pieces of furniture before you clean them. Everything will have different requirements, so don’t approach it all in the same manner. For example, wooden tables may need to be dusted, waxed and polished. Whereas an upholstered sofa could require vacuuming or upholstery steam cleaning services. Using professional services might be preferable for some pieces of furniture. Pay attention to delicate materials such as suede or leather to ensure you care for them properly. Try to clean regularly too, instead of leaving it until your furniture becomes visibly dirty.
Have Furniture Rules
Whether you live alone, or you have children and pets, set standards for the furniture. They might involve things such as “no eating on the sofa” or “no leaning back on the dining room chairs”. Keeping pets, and perhaps even children, away from individual items will help them look good for longer. Stick to the rules you set, even if you’re the only person who has to follow them. If you start to let them slip, the condition of your furniture could begin to go downhill.
Protect Certain Materials
With some materials, you can protect them by applying a spray, cream or something similar. These products will help to prevent damage, such as scratches to wood or leather. You won’t be able to do this with all the furniture you own, but it will help for some. Of course, you could always just cover everything in plastic. But you would lose the beauty of your home in exchange for protecting it.
Your furniture won’t last forever, but you can extend its life. Even when it start to deteriorate, you can consider having it restored.