Vinyl Figurines: How They Found Their Way into Our Hearts

Popular culture includes anything that has become widely accepted in society at a specific point in time. It may consist of activities or feelings that people experience when interacting with particular items.

A part of this culture is pop vinyl figures made out of the likelihood of comic book heroes, anime figures, or well-known celebrities.

What Are They Exactly?

Vinyl figures often come from smash-hit movies and TV series characters, and they may even include characters from famous video games.  These figures are usually made from suitable vinyl and painted with intricate details. These figures often look cartoonish in appearance, having a large head and a slightly smaller body.

How to Buy Authentic Figures

If you are buying a vinyl figure, check if there is a serial number either on the foot, or base. The absence of serial numbers means it is fake. If there is a serial number on any of the locations mentioned above, verify that with the one on the box.

Check the licensing information on the figures themselves if it is there or not. If it is missing, then it is fake. The quality of the figure itself is an indicator if the figure is fake or not.

Are They Worth Collecting?

The question that needs answering first is, are they valuable? They do follow the law of supply and demand. That is, if the figure is part of a limited batch and was made way back then or had a particular reason why there are limited, then a figure from that batch would most certainly be valuable. As long as they are considered collector items, they are worth collecting.

Not all pop vinyl figures are valuable though; As mentioned before, it is the numbers manufactured that may get a figure into the relevant category.

Types of Rare Pop Vinyl Figures

  • Chase pop vinyl

Compared to standard vinyl figures, the chase variant will always have something different about it. It’s either a piece of clothing, or items that are part of the character, or the size of the figure itself.

  • Convention exclusive pop vinyl

These figures are often made for a convention. But not all are rare except for the ones created years back. A manufacturer can create a figure depending on how deep the fan base of a franchise may be.

Last Points to Remember

It may be challenging to determine what type of character figures are rare, so if you plan to collect figures for selling them, that may take you a while to get it moving. But when you get to find, a rare pop vinyl is an excellent welcome. So always check if you have something hidden away that can be a literal goldmine.

Will vinyl figures ever go out of style? Right now, with the profits that are rolling in whenever these figures are made and up for purchase in the market, these pop vinyl figures are here to stay. They are fun to collect, and are often seen as unique, and are a joy for kids and adults alike.

Author Bio: Kellie is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves cake.

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