Walking with Dinosaurs: The Movie



WALKING WITH DINOSAURS is the ultimate immersive, big screen adventure for families. Meet dinosaurs more real than you’ve ever seen as you take off on a thrilling prehistoric adventure, where Patchi, an underdog dinosaur, triumphs against all odds to become a hero for the ages. For the first time in movie history, audiences will truly see and feel what it was like when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.

Walking with Dinosaurs is about dinosaurs in the Late Cretaceous period 70 million years ago and was produced by BBC Earth and Evergreen Films and was named after BBC’s 1999 television documentary miniseries. The production features computer-animated dinosaurs in live-action settings with actors John Leguizamo, Justin Long, Tiya Sircar, and Skyler Stone providing voice overs for the main characters.

What is truly extraordinary about this movie though  is it’s visual achievements. Without a question there have been amazing films made about dinosaurs, and every interpretation of what these long-gone creatures looked like is more impressive and interesting than the next – but since it was based on a documentary Walking With Dinosaurs has one of the most accurate and up-to-date visualizations of what dinosaurs truly looked, and acted like. Don’t worry though, it isn’t all just science, the movie features a loveable story as we follow best friends Patchi, Scowler, and Juniper (three pachyrhinosaurus’) as they grow from babies to adults, struggling all the while to find their footing in the world. Especially Patchi who learns how to become leader of the herd.

Here is the trailer for you:

What we thought: The boys loved it and sat mesmerised for the whole movie. The animation was amazing and incredibly life like. When the boys were little they loved the “Land Before Time” dvd’s and I guess this is an extension of that, only on a larger scale. I liked that the boys were learning as they were watching the movie and the moral behind the movie of believing in yourself was great.

The funny part was when I was telling the boys we were going to watch a movie and they wanted to know where the DVD was. Once I explained it was downloaded like the games on their ipods they thought it was a fantastic thing. Being able to buy movies from itunes or Google play has made it so much easier to keep kids occupied on the go. They can watch movies at Grandma’s, at a restaurant or even on long car trips. Just a tip, if you are going to let children watch things on smart phones or tablets in public, please provide your kids with earphones! Common courtesy to others really. I won’t go on a rant about Dr’s clinics, restaurants etc.

To celebrate the release of Walking with Dinosaurs on DVD, Fox and Mummy of Style and Substance are giving away five copies of the Walking with Dinoaurs DVDs. Entries are open to Australian residents only. Entries close 30th May at 5pm.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Walking With Dinosaurs The Movie is out now on Blu-ray & DVD.
It’s also available on Digital HD through iTunes – which allows you to purchase titles before they’re in the shops.  
It also means kids can enjoy the movie anytime, anywhere – great for long road trips!


  • Caroline Kelly

    I would like my children to walk with and like their maternal grandmother – enthusiasm, love, honesty and compassion.

  • Jemma Hansen

    My boys just love dinosaurs. Dinosaur Train is their favourite TV show so they would like to walk with Tiny and Buddy the two main characters from the show.

  • Jemma Hansen

    My boys just love dinosaurs. Dinosaur Train is their favourite TV show so they would like to walk with Tiny and Buddy the two main characters from the show.

  • christina hilton

    My daughter would love to walk with Juniper and be best friends

  • johanne stone

    My daughter loves dinousaurs and is addicted to ‘The land before Time” series. she would love to walk with Little Foot, Petrie, Spike, Sarah and Ducky , to be able to go on the adventures they do, too sing with them (esp Big Water”). I personally love the connection, love and bond these 5 friends have with each other.

  • Helen

    My kids are fascinated with butterflys. Although they visit our garden, the boys frighten them off with their sheer enthusiasm. To be able to have one sit on thir arm would blow their minds!

  • Gayle Richardson

    Butterflies! Lot and lots of Butterflies!

  • Arnoud Thoma

    Our oldest likes to walk around in his paleontologist outfit from the Australian Museum and dig for dinosaurs all over the world when he grows up.

  • Kasey Evans

    Mine would choose Dinosaurs just to see how they move, act & the size…..they would be amazed!

  • Dianne Childs

    My son would love to walk with King Thistle in Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. He adores that show!

  • Rachael Zahner

    My gorgeous lil man would love to be walking with the dinosaurs 😉

  • Kevin Kelly

    My grandchildren would love to walk with Sam Thaiday from the Brisbane Broncos, they reckon he’s the best

  • Fiona

    My son would love to walk with Giraffes, zebras and elephants – he just loves them

  • Andrew

    Little Miss Four would love to walk with Peppa Pig, Candy Cat & Suzy Sheep. Master Ten would really like to walk with (fight) zombies. And Miss Fifteen can’t choose between One Direction or 5 Seconds of Summer.

  • Chris

    I would like my kids to walk with pride and confidence. I would like to hope that in the future I have raised children that have just enough self confidence to carry themselves without being arrogant and also to be proud of the people they are growing up to be.

  • Aaron Kaczmarczyk

    I think my kid would rather fly with an Eagle!

  • Mick G

    Natasha loves her turtle and I know that if she could she would have a special lead for it and take it for a nice stroll everyday

  • mellie jane

    My son would say dinosaurs or ninja turtles and my littlest daughter would say giraffes.

  • Charl Lowther

    My daughter loves animals, especially jaguars and elephants so she’d love to walk with them!

  • Monica Scurlock

    Granddaughters live in Cairns.. So crocodile would be their pick!

  • Val C

    Any dinosaur small enough to take to school for show and tell would be top of the list!

  • Karla Oleinikoff

    One daughter would say a T-Rex, and the other would like a pony the size of a kitten.

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