What is Regarded As Dental Emergency?

Dental problems are common occurrences these days. The amount of sugar and junk food we consume can be a big factor that leads to dental health issues. Improper dental hygiene is yet another major cause of serious dental issues. Dental emergencies have to be taken seriously as some can be health-threatening or can cost you a tooth. However, not all problems can be classified as dental emergencies. 

How to Identify?

How do you know if you are facing a dental emergency? According to expert dentists, a dental emergency is a condition where you need to respond immediately. This can be to save a tooth, relieve severe pain or stop oral bleeding. If you still want to know whether you really need to run to the dentist or pay a visit to the ER, you can ask yourself certain questions. The answers to these questions can help you decide whether it is a dental emergency or not. 

  • Am I in severe pain? Is it tolerable or is it hurting a lot?
  • Am I bleeding? Is the pain accompanied with bleeding?
  • Have I lost a tooth or do I have a loose tooth that’s threatening to fall off anytime? – Remember, while this is normal for kids, adults have no reason to find loose teeth unless its an emergency.
  • Am I exhibiting signs of severe infection like mouth swelling or gum inflammation? 

If the answers to any of the above questions is a ‘yes’, then, its time to see an emergency dentist. Do not postpone.

Most Commonly Occurring Emergencies

Getting an idea of when to take appropriate action can be useful. It’s always better to take the advice of your dentist as your teeth are sensitive and can be damaged permanently if not treated immediately. Let us have a look at the common emergencies that most people face and what to do until you get to your dentist. 

Knocked-out teeth

This is one of the cases where you have to visit a dentist as soon as possible. You need to get the tooth inserted most naturally without harming the roots or other parts of the tooth. Experts from Laura Miller DDS suggests that you collect the tooth immediately after it has fallen and carefully preserve it in a small container. However, you need to be very careful not to tamper with the roots. It is best to not touch the root region at all.

Chipped or cracked teeth

This condition leads to fractures and can be extremely painful. This is often accompanied by swelling. Hence, it is recommended to wash the mouth area using warm water and then keep a cold compress. This helps reducing swelling and discomfort until you reach your dentist.

Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a more serious condition and needs immediate attention in most cases. This results in severe infection as there will be pus within the tooth. It can cause a serious problem like fever, swollen tender lymph nodes in the neck region, sensitivity to hot and cold, continuous toothache, gum-pimples near the infection, face-swelling, etc. Keep rinsing your mouth with warm salted water and visit the dentist at the earliest possible.

Situations that Aren’t Dental Emergencies

Suppose you have a chipped tooth and you are lucky enough not to have any pain. You probably have time to wait a day or two before booking an appointment with the dentist. However please remember to visit the doctor immediately if the fracture is causing you pain or if you have loose, sharp fragments within your mouth. 

If you have a toothache that can be tolerated and is not accompanied by any kind of swelling or bleeding, again you can take some time to book your appointment.

Another situation that is seen commonly is the presence of a cavity or losing the crown of a tooth. In these cases, you can try some temporary fixes until you get a convenient date for the appointment. Till then take care not to hurt yourself by chewing on hard foods or sharp food items like chips. 

Tips to Avoid such Emergencies

The first and foremost precaution is to maintain proper dental hygiene. Oral care is very important to ensure that your teeth are in perfect condition. Be extra careful when you are part of adventure games or sports activities. Wear protective gear as instructed to avoid hurting any part of your body. Most cases of loose tooth or chipped tooth occur due to accidents during falls. So practice caution whenever required.

Always remember to note all your symptoms and areas of discomfort. The information will help your dentist at https://www.trueviewdental.com/ determine the severity of the condition . Avoid self-medication in all cases. Be regular in all your dental appointments and keep that smile at all times!

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